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Find form in cell


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I'm working on a script that needs to find one specific form in a cell and then make it a objectreference.


While !Stop && !(Target.GetBaseObject() == OldBaseObject)

Target = Game.FindRandomReferenceOfTypeFromRef(OldBaseObject, CenterMarker, 51200) as ObjectReference

if !Target
Stop = True

ObjectReference Property Target Auto
ObjectReference Property CenterMarker Auto
Form OldBaseObject

this is a small part of the bigger script, but this is the part i'm having trouble with, it can find the objecttype, but the "!(Target.GetBaseObject() == OldBaseObject)" doesn't seem to work at all

it will look for the type of object that "OldBaseObject" is pointing to, but not the specific baseobject/form.



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What I noticed was that OldBaseObject was defined as a form but had no value. Target was given a property value but you were trying to overwrite it. So the script was looking for an empty form and trying to shove an empty reference into a already defined value. Its confused. I know I was. :tongue:


After reading how the function FindRandomReferenceOfTypeFromRef works on the CK wiki, I put this together. It is heavily commented and hopefully understood. I do not know if it works. May be worth a try, at any rate.



;some event/function start

OldBaseObject = Target.GetBaseObject()

While !Stop 
	If !CurrentTarget 
		;is not a valid value
		;attempt to give CurrentTarget a valid value
		;this may only run once per hosting record at script start
		CurrentTarget = Game.FindRandomReferenceOfTypeFromRef(OldBaseObject, CenterMarker, 51200) ;returns as an object reference automatically
		;is a valid value
		;compare to desired value
		If !(CurrentTarget.GetBaseObject() == OldBaseObject)
			;does not match desired value
			;get new value
			CurrentTarget = Game.FindRandomReferenceOfTypeFromRef(OldBaseObject, CenterMarker, 51200) ;returns as an object reference automatically
			;it does match so this is what we want to work with
			StoredTarget = CurrentTarget
			Stop = true ;stop this loop
	If !CurrentTarget ;is not a valid value
		;we looped but found no valid value -- get out of this thing
		Stop = True  ;stop this loop

;do whatever work with the desired value of StoredTarget

;some event/function end

ObjectReference Property Target Auto
{desired target reference}

ObjectReference Property CenterMarker Auto
{search center reference point}

Form OldBaseObject 
;form variable for base form of Target

ObjectReference CurrentTarget 
;object reference variable for current random reference of Target base form

ObjectReference StoredTarget
;object reference variable used when current random reference base matches the desired Target base form

I tried to err on the side of caution so there maybe more here than is necessary.



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i didn't explain myself properly, here's the whole function:

Function ChangeBanners()
BannerCount = 9 ;there are 9 banners in the cell that has to be replaced

Stop = False

;finds the current banner in the cell
OldBannerRef = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(BannerList, CustomMarker_BannerColorPicker, 51200) as ObjectReference
;get the base form of that banner
OldBanner = OldBannerRef.GetBaseObject() as Form
;get the type in int
OldBannerType = OldBanner.GetType() as Int

;get the banner form at this location in this list (selectbanner is defined in another part of this script)
NewBanner = BannerList.GetAt(SelectBanner)

;start loop of finding banners, placing them and of deleting old onces.
While (BannerCount != 0) && !Stop
BannerCount -= 1

;makes sure that the target is none, so the script doesn't jump over the selecting of new banner part
Target = None

;loop to find a new banner, "!(Target.GetBaseObject() == OldBanner)" doesn't seem to work, i have tried multiple ways of coding this part
While !Stop && !(Target.GetBaseObject() == OldBanner)

;find a banner of type, max distance of 51200 from a marker i have in the cell
Target = Game.FindRandomReferenceOfTypeFromRef(OldBanner, CustomMarker_BannerColorPicker, 51200) as ObjectReference

;if by any means the script can't find anything it needs to stop
if !Target
Stop = True

;gets the position and angle of the oldbanner
float floatX = Target.GetPositionX()
float floatY = Target.GetPositionY()
float floatZ = Target.GetPositionZ()
float floatAngleX = Target.GetAngleX()
float floatAngleY = Target.GetAngleY()
float floatAngleZ = Target.GetAngleZ()

;places a new banner on the oldbanner
ObjectReference BannerRef = Target.PlaceAtMe(NewBanner).SetPosition(floatX, floatY, floatZ)
BannerRef.SetAngle(floatAngleX, floatAngleY, floatAngleZ)

;disables and deletes the oldbanner

;this should now happen 9 times on all 9 banners in the cell

; Banners

Bool Stop

int SelectBanner
int BannerCount
int OldBannerType

Form NewBanner
Form OldBanner

FormList Property BannerList Auto

ObjectReference Property Target Auto
ObjectReference Property OldBannerRef Auto
ObjectReference Property CustomMarker_BannerColorPicker Auto

The idea is that; there are banners i want to change in a cell, i want to change between a list of banners, i got the list part working. the part i don't have working is the part i mentioned in the OP,

how it is suppose to work is that, the script looks for the current banner in the cell and marks that form of banner.

then the script tries to get the banner in the cell as an objectreference, the problem is that the "!(Target.GetBaseObject() == OldBanner)" part doesn't work, it doesn't exclude banners that aren't of the new banner form, it is only suppose to pick oldbanners and not the new one it just replaced.


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Maybe you need to rethink the process?


Looks like you have 9 known references that you want to change at user discretion. The user selects a design/color and all 9 change to that. Why not pre-place each design/color and link them to their own enable parent xmarker? Enable/Disable each marker as needed.


I suppose that might get too crowded should you have quite a few designs...


Any possibility of doing it that is more fixed and less random? Perhaps additional FormLists or maybe Arrays with while loops to cycle through the entries?

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