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Game Endings You Loved


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I just finished GTA: SA, and I was pleased with the ending. It got me thinking about other game endings I have enjoyed alot, such as Resident Evil 4. I haven't grinned so much during a game in my life. Fantastic game. I might also add that when I was young I loved the ending of SMB3; the music at the end was really great and it still is. Feel free to share your favourite game endings in this topic. Remember, give us a warning if you are going to post a spoiler.
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Hmmm interesting topic, let me think...warning though, this might have some serious spoilers!



Dreamweb: Getting into a shootout with the cops and losing! It just fit into the whole gritty atmosphere of that Bladerunneresque title.


Spiderman on the PS1: Seeing Rhino, Doctor Octopus and Scorpion all in the same jail cell. To quote Rhino:


"I don't get it...I'm a Rhino, he's a scorpion and he's an Octopus...what's a Mysterio?"


Ultima VI: After an incredibly EPIC quest, finally bringing peace to the two warring nations.

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Wow. Interesting topic.








IMHO, the best end of any game I ever saw was that on Homeworld: Cataclysm. The awesome story and the excellent gameplay were quite an experience for me. It was the only thing ever to lure tears out of my eyes as the end animation rolled. Beautiful. Truly beautiful.



My second favourite is the ending of Fallout 2. Since the ending reflects your gameplay, it's quite interesting to play again and see what you can change. Plus, that oil rig blowing up in a nuclear blast is a really pretty picture.

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The ending of the first (well, not really) Prince of Persia game, the Sands of Time. I'll not spoil it because it's wonderful, but suffice to say to have a grin on your face afterwards for hours :D
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Got to love the ending to any of the X-COM series (well, apart from Enforcer). No flashy animations or CGIs, just plain old story text to read with pictures to look at in the background!
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I tend to generally like open endings - although they are partly overemployed in the games industry to make sure that if the game sells well there is a possibility for a remake, there are some endings I did enjoy: Soul Reaver 2 (since, at least for me, the revelation at the ending was quite unexpected and let all previous events appear in quite a different light); Metal Gear Solid (that last phone call gave things also a nice turn); Final Fantasy VII (just have a look on fansites how much speculation and discussion there is about the meaning of the final sequence); Final Fantasy X (because that ending came actually quite close to what Tolkien would call eucatastrophe); Gothic II (I simply couldn't stop laughing)
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1) Freespace 2: business as usual, simple escort mission, fighting off the usual swarm of Shivans and losing (this is _____, we are going down... get clear!), kill count reaching absurd numbers. And then suddenly...




Huh? Supernova? WHAT??? Oh **********, 45 seconds and the jump point is way out of reach for your slow brick of a missile-boat Ares. And then next thing you know, you're watching the final cutscene and the speech praising your glorious death as you stayed behind to cover the last ships out. The first time I actually made it out, thanks to my love of the light interceptor, but it's still a dramatic surprise.


2) Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark: you've just fought your way through epic enemies, crossed the frozen wastes of hell and forced your way back into the mortal world. And as the epic lord of hell collapses dead at your feet, saving the mortal world from destruction, you cut to the librarian. Not a very complex ending, but it really gave the sense of accomplishment and being an epic legend, finally relaxing and reading about what happened to all the characters.


3) Far Cry: sure, the trigens were annoying and pointless, but the last scene... low on ammo, sniping my way through a group of elite guards in fortified positions, open the door expecting the sudden shot out of nowhere... and it doesn't come. No stupid out of place boss fight, no drawn-out confrontation, just a single bullet in the traitor's head. Completely unexpected and for once realistic, the ultimate bad guy dies not in a blaze of glory, but in a simple execution that's over before you even realize who you just shot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
.... Final Fantasy X (because that ending came actually quite close to what Tolkien would call eucatastrophe);....


I know this was a tear jerking ending, that moment when yuna ran to hold tidus but ended up running through him, that killed me man. :( Almost as much as when Aeris died in FF7. I love the endings of games, but i think console endings tend to be better than PC based games, a good well directed ending is a top ending. I think the game ending that impressed me was in MGS3, from when you fight the boss in that white flower field, and then feeling the injustice with snake when he salutes the grave of the boss to that militaristic musical score. Loved it.


Hybrid Snyper

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