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I seen mods like this before, but I'm talking not about this




I would like to see a mod that doesn't make you fly, but hover in air.

This could be alteration spell (adept or apprentice) that makes you levitate just like Dragon priests do. I believe that it's possible to put the same animations on player. That would be the coolest mod eva :)) :3





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The problem with using the dragonpriest animation is the skeleton. It doesn't make up with the one the player uses, so animation can't correctly be assigned to it. Someone was able to make a child npc monster use dragonpriest animations, but I believe the child mesh had to be reworked to match the skeleton.


The other problem is switching animations completely. Currently, the CK doesn't the ability to do so. There are quite a few mods out that have hovering spells and works great, but none of them switch the animation (you just walk on air). One solution that has been tossed around is making a race with its on animations and switching to that race temporarily. That too is throttled by the CK, so not much progress has been made in that area.


I have a WIP project that has a race that uses its own hovering animations, but still very buggy and still needs alot of work.



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