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[REQUEST] Need mesh modder

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Since I have given up efforts in trying to make or modify meshes beyond minor tweaks with NifSkope, I am requesting some help. I would like to have armor variants of the various bolt quivers. Arrow quivers would be nice but not necessary.


The purpose of this is to separate the bolt quiver equipping with the crossbow. I will edit the standard quivers in NifSkope to only have the central arrow/bolt used in the drawing and firing animations. Its position will be tweaked to match up with the position of the armor quiver. Scripting will equip/unequip the armor bolt quiver whenever the actual ammo is equipped/unequipped.


I have tried using the quiver mesh in the armor addon and armor forms. While it appears and does not crash the game, it does not have the appropriate bone linking that it should. A bolt quiver on the belt should stay with the belt rather than pop up into the air when sneaking.


I am aware of the various mods out there that change the position of the bolts/arrows and that make the visible quiver selectable at install time. But none resolve the annoying re-positioning of bolt quivers between standing & sneaking short of making the entire quiver invisible and that results in a crossbow launching invisible ammo.


The only real solution is a different mesh tied to different points on the body/skeleton.


Desired bodies for the meshes to fit can be found in my mod Isharas Custom Player Body


Thank you in advance to anyone willing to assist.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds like you and I are working on the same idea, though I was experimenting with new types of ammunition (notably new arrow meshes). Unfortunately I haven't got to the same point as you yet and I'm swamped on my own projects, so I would be unable to assist. I wish you luck though.


On a related note, couldn't you simply separate the quiver mesh out of the ammo mesh and apply it to a different slot on the body? Attach that to a script which makes it impossible to equip arrows/bolts without a quiver and it opens up a world of possibilities for both customization and enchantment (custom quiver with any ammo the player chooses, the ability to apply an enchantment to any ammo drawn from the quiver, etc). I'm no scripter, so I wouldn't have the slightest idea of how to implement it, unfortunately.

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I already resolved it. I was thinking that the mesh would need to be converted itself to have the body part slot data. But I did some testing and discovered that I could use the mesh as is, tie it to a different bone and use it on the armor addon form with whatever body slot # I wanted.


I did toy with the idea of treating the ammo separate of the quiver and allowing the player to pick their desired quiver and script the ammo to appear as it is changed. But I did not want to tie up at least two body slots in the whole process. Instead it behaves like the regular quiver but appears in a correct position (depending upon body type and armor worn of course).


Wrapping up my testing and if it has no issues, then it will be released.

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