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A mod for reloading speeds?


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In NV, the reload speed for weapons are governed by the Agility skill, and the higher your stats the faster you reload. This makes sense to some degree, however I find the blazingly fast reload speeds at higher levels very unrealistic and offputting despite the practical benefits; it literally feels like the the SGTM for the gun switches to 9 (because that's what it is).


So I was thinking that perhaps a mod where the reload speed is governed by the rate in which you press the Reload button rather than a flat increase in speed; so while pressing the reload button once at a higher level may be slightly faster than if you started the game, it won't be blazing fast as before; however you can reload up to the allotted speed bonus limitation if you rapidly press the reload button, allowing you to choose when to finish reloading.


This allows players in casual, non-urgent settings to enjoy the reload animations at a slower pace, especially when testing new guns, while still allowing for a rapid rate of reload in combat by simply tapping the reload button one or more times.


What do you guys think? IMO it's a fair compromise between the quirky super-speed reload of vanilla, yet still allows faster reloading at players' discretion.


In the event there is actually a mod for this already please link it for me, tried to find one but no luck so far.

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