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Animation: Loading Screen Orc


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I bet you know who I'm talking about. This guy: http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/3193240-1323030662.jpg


For the life of me, I can't find any mod that replicates this pose. Can anyone make this into just a static idle or something? Is it in the files somewhere? I don't know the first thing about modding, but if it's straightforward enough, point me in the right direction and I'll try to make it. I just really really want to see this pose in game. Thoughts?

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I would very much like this as a walking animation as well, I'm only now learning bits and pieces of the creation kit.

Maybe I'll have a look when I get some spare time, no promises..

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Close, but not quite enough for my purposes. What the Orc pose offers is the ability to have the character mostly off screen, and still be emotive. For example, I could take the lower right or left quadrant of the pose in a screen shot, and I'd still get dynamic leg movement and a weapon. If I tried the same thing with the PCI pose, I'd just have a leg, and maybe part of a hilt.

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