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Constantine's Shotgun / Holy items


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I have no idea ho to mod but I thought if someone was good or liked the idea of making some weapons based on the movie Constantine. Weapons like his gold shotgun in the shape of a cross, maybe when it fires it shoots regular 12 gauge blessed rounds that come out like Dragon's Breath , but the flame would be like a natual gas blue. People shot would burst into blue flame and burn when shot or turn to ash. maybe a rosery that scares ghouls away. Maybe his suit could be his regular office suit but it has dark angelic wings on the back not fairy wings but big intimidating ones like from the movie Legion. Or maybe holy water grenades, not holy grenades. Maybe a quest mod to exercise demons, like maybe devil's gullet has an entrance to hell and regular weapons wont work there but the holy ones you recieve. I don't know, something to think about, just some ideas, I know I'd love something like that. :laugh: Added some pics for reference

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