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I always wonder why my female warrior Nord dragonborn cant walk as manly as lydia. I mean cmon, I'm better at fighting than she is! It bothers me. I've been looking for mods to somehow enable me to use lydia's animation, but so far I haven't come across one that lets me do tht perfectly. There's the female idle animation swap mod, but it makes my char looks hunched forward while standing/walking. Can anyone please make a mod for this?

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okay first I read the name of this post and thought of Walk Like a Egyptian the song and I laughed.


secondly she walks like that because she uses the male animation instead of the female one. this is seriously the easiest request you could think of. I am pretty sure they have tutorials on how to switch the animation using the Creation Kit on youtube. if you do that it will prevent the need to add another mod to the game.

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It is just a toggle on the player record. You might have another mod that modifies the player record and so reverts it back to original. Load all your mods in TES5Edit and look at the player actor record to see what modifies it. If necessary merge the changes into a patch plugin.


Alternatively, just check the use opposite animations box on the player record in the last loading plugin that modifies the player record and save it.


I will admit tho, it does make the male players walk funny.

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