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Drunk and Disorderly - Alcohol Affects Mod Request


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Hey, guys.


I've been looking around for a mod that allows players go get drunk, but everything I've found is pretty lightweight: You drink mead, you stumble around for a few hours, then you're right as rain. Pretty much all my Dragonborn does anymore is lounge about with a mead in hand and mess with city guards, so I'd like something a little more in depth to round out my Skyrim experience.


What I'd like to see is a mod that does allow you to drunkenly stumble about Whiterun, but also add some special events that trigger when you're too too drunk. For example, a guard may walk up to you and say "Go home, Dragonborn. You are drunk." To which you might reply, "You ain't da boss a me, ya stinkin' pile a horker dung!" and then get thrown into the drunk tank for the night. Basically what I'm asking for is a set of randomized events that can take place. I've got several other ideas which I'll list below.


I assume that the process for creating such a mod would be to give alcoholic beverages some sort of Alcohol Level, which increases the player's Blood Alcohol Level by a certain variable for an hour. Different meads, wines, and beers would have different levels. Depending on the player's BAL they'd begin to lose skill points for a certain time, have blurred vision, drop their weapons, or even have spells fail to cast or backfire.


I'd like to be able to create something like this myself, but I lack modding experience past Morrowind my computer can't handle much in the way of map editing. If someone just wants to borrow a few of these ideas or expand on them, I'd be grateful.


  • Drunken player gets thrown into the drunk tank for a night (Black out and wake up outside the dungeon with a Hangover debuff)
  • Drunken player blacks out and wakes up in a random inn
  • Drunken player blacks out and wakes up in the wild somewhere, with something shocking laying on the ground nearby (A dead goat, a Falmor corpse laying in a seductive pose, random articles of clothing strewn about)
  • The player wakes up with a hangover and sees Sanguine remarks something like "What a night!" then walk off and disappear, leaving behind some sort of reward for the Dragonborn.
  • The player wakes up with a hangover in his own home
  • The player wakes up in a cell in a bandit hideout
  • The player wakes up in a stranger's home and receives the threat "Get out or I'll call the guards!"
  • The player wakes up in prison with a sizeable bounty on his head

Thanks for taking a look!

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