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Traveling merchants carry their stock


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Just an idea. Traveling merchants should carry their stock either with the brahmin that they have tagging along, on their person or both. It bothers me when I kill them for loot that no one in their caravan actually carries what they sell. Where are they getting it from?! However, if this is done, then the security of the caravan should be beefed up considerably to discourage robbing them. I'm really just hoping for some kind of overhaul improving the benefits and increasing the risks of robbing a caravan. I have no idea if what I am requesting is possible, however, as I have no experience with creating mods. It could add quite an amount of extra fun for a guy like me who has completed the game multiple times. Much thanks if you decide to do this!

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There are two ways that this could be done, although I'm unsure of the relative difficulty of each -


1) Change the Brahmin to the vendor's container; that said, I'm not sure if the player can access a vendor container normally.

2) Use a script to automatically select the vendor container upon the merchant's death and copy all its items into the Brahmin's inventory. A little more difficult, but still hypothetically feasible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an idea. Traveling merchants should carry their stock either with the brahmin

Yeah you can do this, although the brahmin has to be made a persistent reference, so there will be a bit of work involved dotting the "i"s.


However, if this is done, then the security of the caravan should be beefed up considerably to discourage robbing them.

Probably won't get into changing up the caravan itself, but I'll look into it when I get some free time.

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