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Here is my idea, a movement overhaul where characters fight and move like they are from anime.

A new item called martial arts can be equipped, what this does is change left click being left hand and right click being right hand to left click being lower body attack and right click being upper body attack.

Movement changes as follows, running is at twice normal speed and should be animated to look like this


Next you have leaping, or jumping while moving forward, this should travel at the same speed as running, however you will move faster due to a slight pause between leaps. If you could invent a way to leap from tree to tree id tip my hat to you but it's not necessary. the leap should be about the length of the bridge in riverwood.


Attack combo's

running plus low attack gives a flip kick

running plus high attack gives an elbow hit

running plus both attacks gives a jump onto the enemy shoulder followed by a tumbling throw using the legs

leaping plus low attack gives a flying kick

leaping plus high attack gives a knock down punch

leaping plus both attacks gives a head but charge

standing still + jumping + low attack gives spinning kick

standing still + jumping plus high attack gives an upper cut

pressing both lower and upper attack together while close does a grapple/throw, disabling there attacks for 8 seconds

when pressing upper/lower the attack will always alternate on each consecutive attack on weather the right or left limb is used


upper body attacks will also parry attacks from unarmed, ranged, 1h swords, 1h axes, 1h maces, beasts taller then the target

lower body attacks will also parry attacks from staffs, 2h swords, 2h axes, warhammers, spears, shields, beast smaller then the target


Martial arts should have its own tree, things like blocking giants and dragons might need to be unlocked.

Things that effect unarmed effect martial arts.

The movement could also have its own tree if made permanent instead of an equitable ring, with upgrades to hight of jumps, length of jumps, speed of movement, cost of energy to run/leap, possibly even fly etc.


equipping a weapon/spell in your off hand removes your kicking so you can punch and swing a sword/spell cast

equipping a weapon/spell in your main hand replaces your punches so you can still kick and swing a sword/cast spell

equipping something other then martial arts in both hands removes combos attacks for pressing both upper and lower attacks


movement changes could possibly be equipped as a ring or some other small insignificant slot.


things like dragon ball z "chi", Naruto "chakra" and One Piece "Haki" could be added to bolster attacks at the cost of stamina (not magic) there are mods out there so incorporating shouldn't be as hard as making from scratch.


Like i said, if your pro, enabling the ability to tree hop with leap would be awesome, and would be cool to build onto other mods such as making a legend of zelda link's chain hook and other such climbing devices, but if you got the movement and combat down right i won't complain one bit :)


Anyways nodders i hope my idea inspires you :)

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