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How Do Orc's Drink Without Using A Straw?


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I mean Orc's must have a major problem with drinking without a straw. Those protruding teeth would bang against the lip of the tankard and they would pour the mead down their chin. Also do Orc's kiss and if they do does their teeth get stuck together in an awkward fashion causing embarrassment for the unfortunate couple.?

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They open their mouths and pour it in. Only a milk-drinker would worry about spilling their drinks - lol.


And Orcs don't kiss. They're not into that luvy duvy stuff.


Problem solved :D

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Well that settles the drinking and kissing issue but they still must have a whole whack of issue when it comes to eating and sleeping their teeth must rip pillows to shreds when they toss and turn in the middle of the night. Heck i'll bet they can't even spit on their enemies corpses without getting drool on their chin.

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Well that settles the drinking and kissing issue but they still must have a whole whack of issue when it comes to eating and sleeping their teeth must rip pillows to shreds when they toss and turn in the middle of the night. Heck i'll bet they can't even spit on their enemies corpses without getting drool on their chin.


Pillows? PILLOWS!? What are you, some kind of Altmer nancy? Orsimer sleep on rocks. And if our tusks case sparks in the night, we may actually sleep warm!


Seriously though... the Orcs tusks and under-bite isn't sufficient to really impair them. There are cultures which artificially alter their faces to far more exaggerated extents, and don't drool all over themselves. If you were born with that jaw, you'd learn early how not to drool embarrassingly, how to drink, etc.

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Mead Helmets like how we have Beer Helmets only with two Mini Kegs on each side and two straws leading into the mouth, I had an image of an orc at a gladiator fight with his mead helmet and a big foam finger supporting his favorite gladiator. Skyrims version of soccer hooligans only gladiator hooligans instead Lol.

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I just watched that youtube parody video " I kissed an Orc " by Sharm/Taintedlore and laughed my butt off. Maybe Orcs don't kiss each other but females and males from every other race want to kiss them Lol.

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