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Set Music Playlist to a Quest?


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I'm trying to make certain combat songs play in a specific area. I currently have some imported tracks and a music Type called Dwarven, (It's for the Dwarven Ruins).

I also have specific combat music I want to be played that fits this Dwarven theme. I can't just put the combat music into the Dwarven Type as it will play the combat mus without combat. So is there a way to make a new Music Type and set a Quest trigger like the normal MusCombat Type?

The quest for the standard Combat Type is: C03 Rampage. Is there a way to create a new / similar quest and place it in a new MusType? If so can I make it location / cell specific? Is there a way to Duplicate the quest (I know how to do that) AND add it to the Type whilst changing or adding certain parameters so it will only play in the Ruins, or with the Dwarven Playlist Type?

Or is there scripting involved?

Please Help!

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