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There appears to be a huge slowdown when storing anything heavy/light in the armor category.

I've seperated all types of weapons, armor, jewelry, enchanted items, etc. The ones that seem to slow the game down when storing them is the Light and Heavy armor classes. If someone could make a mod/bug fix for this, it would be great. I'm tired of spending hours, endlessly storing an item one at a time, extremely slowly.

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yeah, this is a glitch with your specific game so we cant fix it for you. I would recommend reinstalling Skyrim.


or answer these following questions:


what is your mod count/list?

what operating system you got?

have you tried multiple armor or just one set?

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My mod count is pretty high, but none of them are serious game changers, save for SOS (I'm gay, what can I say? LOL)


I operate on Windows 7, but I've turned off all flashy background effects to maximize performance.


Yes, I have tried it with multiple armor sets. It seems to effect all Light and Heavy armor sets.


This same thing happens on both the XBox 360 and the PS3, so I assumed it was an issue in general. I have reinstalled Skyrim mutliple times. (Mainly because I suck at modding, and I usually end up screwing up major files and I don't know how to fix them.)

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