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Adjust hardcore mode


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The ammo one is (as my own mod did) most likely simply setting the weight value to 0, which in hardcore mode would mean the game sees the weight as 0, and so it has no weight.


There is a script function "IsHardcore" which lets you know if the game is in Hardcore mode. The stimpak limb healing when applied directly to limbs through the pipboy is controlled by that function, to stop stimpaks from restoring crippled limbs. There are two Game Settings values, fHealingRateSleepingBase and fHealingRateSleepingMult, which MIGHT affect something with sleeping health regen in hardcore, but no guarantees.


As far as the "why would you want that" goes. The point I was trying to get to without outright saying (I am now, obviously) is that Skyrim seems to be a game made primarily for people maybe a little less dedicated to the whole Hardcore aspect. Fallout is (in my experience) more often of the "lets make this as real and hard as possible" type.



As always, with any of these games, if you don't like the way it works, and you can't find a mod that does what you want, do what all the rest of us have done. Make the mod!

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Cant seem to do much to the fHealingRateSleepingBase and fHealingRateSleepingMult and I dont see the IsHardcore script being attached to it.


I think I may be going about this the wrong way. Instead of changing hardcore mode maybe it would be more fruitful if I attached the features that I want from hardcore (sleep,hunger,thirst) to the base game.


So im gonna be working on figuring that out if anyone has any thoughts or words of wisdom towards that dont be afraid to let me know and thanks for the help.

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