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I know little more about modding than adding them with a mod manager... But I wanted to get some ideas out there to see if it is something that can be turned into a mod, or if it's good enough to convince Bethesda to add into fallout 4


I wished that tag skills had more meaning than a small boost, I wanted them to describe the history of the character and I thought that each skill should have an ability assigned to it and tagging them gives you that ability...


For example, I wanted to play like naked snake in MGS3, and wished that I could perform some CQC with my pistol equipped.. The closest thing I could get was awkwardly fumbling the ranger takedown move by unequipping my pistol, but that never worked consistently


It got me thinking of skyrim's shout system, I thought if VATS could be separated as a default power, or maybe a beginner quest to acquire, that the button could be mapped for powers.. Just like skyrim's shouts/powers.. Since I only use the controller to play.


I don't have all of the powers figured out yet but will leave it up to others more creative to work it out. But to start the brainstorming process..


They would all have varying cool down timers


Unarmed: quick takedown

Melee: stunning boomerang, or perry quick kill/damage boost

Survival: dodge roll (invincible animation)

Guns: bullet time

Energy: same as guns

Science: shield boost (blocks fire/energy attacks)

Sneak: assassinate or camouflage (resets detection status to unseen when out of eyesight)

Explosives: quick defensive mine, conical blow back effect

Barter: scatter caps (calms enemies for short time)

Speech: silver tongue (turns human enemy to ally)

Repair: over-clock equipment (short armor and damage boost)

Medicine: morphine shot (no stagger or crippled limb effect)

Lock pick: ?? Auto pick??



This would also open up a path for perk powers or context powers, like climbing or shooting an under barrel weapon ( grenade-launcher/shotgun/bayonet/flamer)


Anyway it's something to ponder on I figure somebody else has to like thinking of ways to better their favorite games

Edited by DRisky49
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Oh forgot. This would give the perk Tag! More benefits, and maybe the skill magazines could give temporary access to the powers, when you have the Comprehension perk... Which in turn would make the perk increasing their time limit more valuable
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I love this idea and also hope its possible!

Maybe a couple of tweaks with the perks/powers themselves to balance them all, and hopefully there are scripts that make some of them possible (like the coin scatter one)

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The problem with VATS is that it's hardcoded in the Fallout game, and while you remap it, you can't 'un-equip' it so to speak.


A lot of the other stuff can be done through perks.


I'll have a go at a couple of them, maybe, but some are beyond my ability.

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