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What I'm looking for is a third person swan-dive animation, for use with the Immersive First Person mod (which uses third-person animations. Thus, make a third-person animation for diving into water, and enjoy the immersive diving-into-water from first person. Thrilling!)!


The dive itself, for those unfamiliar, can be seen in this video. Now, obviously this means that if you jump, say, on flat ground, you'll dive face-first into the rocks, therefore, I point you to this "Sky Dive Jump" mod from Oblivion, which did something rather clever: When you jump, you perform the normal jump animation. After a few seconds however, you begin to adopt a skydiving pose, until after several seconds, you're in a free-fall position.


This means regular jumps will still look like regular jumps, but if you fall far enough, you'll eventually take up the alternate falling position. I'd be looking for something like that: A jump is a normal jump, but after a second or two, the character adopts the swam-form, and aims down in the diving-position, meaning if you jump from a cliff or a bridge, you'll be in the diving-position before you hit the water.


Anyone willing to take this on, good luck, and thanks!


Anyone still reading, I'll also point you to this Jump Animations mod. Within this mod there's a jump animation called "Forward Jump - Hurdle Jump" which you can download separately. This jump is similar to The Bouncy Jump Project jump mod jump animation, in that it's more of a realistic jump or hurdle, where your leg goes forward in order to reach whatever distant object you're attempting to jump to, or over. If you could incorporate that style of jump, with the transition to a swan dive, that would be pretty sweet!


Cheers, thanks for reading, good luck, and happy Skyrimming!


Just throwing this here because after three months of animating attempting to make a more immersive first-person head bob, only for someone to release a much better one ahead of me (which is awesome), and then running into blender python and .nif import errors, I'm done with trying to make animations.

Edited by BernardTheBeast
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