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Any creative roleplayers out there?


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I've wanted to try a pacifist Doctor playthrough for quite a while now, and I'm pretty sure about my build. But I'm having trouble deciding what to actually do as a doctor. Helping out the Followers, Boomers, NCR troops, and drug addicts in Freeside using the Medicine checks are obviously going to be a big part of it. I've also thought about scavenging for medical supplies (surgical tubing, different chems, etc.) and selling/giving them to people that need them, like the folks over at the NV Medical Clinic.

This will keep me busy for a little while, but what do I do when I'm done? Any ideas for what a Doctor playthrough should consist of? Any mods out there that might be of help? Usually I'd just brush the whole idea aside if it weren't too viable, but I've wanted to roleplay this character for ages now and just cannot seem to let it go.

Any ideas are most welcome.

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You might want to try this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41540/? It's a Mojave Red Cross. I'd also suggest the XRE Cars or Mobile Truck Base mods as a type of ambulance/mobile clinic/mobile clinic supply carrier. Also the Decrucifixion mod would be a good choice for you.


Beyond that not sure...pacifists are hard to pull off in the wasteland, grabbing any stun weapons and using plastic ammo/beanbag ammo means no killing but still knocking your enemies out but might be a viable option for you.


Ever quest mod includes some combat as far as I can tel,l as does pretty much every vanilla quest outside what you named.

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I was actually planning on getting XRE Cars for the exact purpose you mentioned. Great to see my idea validated. The Decrucifixion mod was a good find - thanks. Like you said though, these kind of builds are difficult to pull off simply because there isn't enough for them to do. I appreciate the input though!

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What I do is pretty much discard the lore or story where I adamantly think it doesn't make sense. This includes most of the Vault stuff as well as the mutants, mutants everywhere. So I pick green mods, and the real Bears mod for Honest Hearts and I just found a 'real Brahmin' mod, which makes all the Brahman one headed. What I do is figure every author is an imperfect medium for their story, and try to do is figure out what the Fallout universe really would look like, which dispensing with things like SCIENCE! This leads me to interesting conclusions: for instance I think the best solution for the Ghost People is that the Hazmat Suits are an upgraded version of the trauma harness, which means the Ghost people are partially liquified ghouls trapped in self healing harnesses, but all actions the Ghost people take are the results of the....less than upstanding programming of the suit, which in practice is a mechanical animal. A violent, self reproducing animal.


So I actually look real maps, see what the designers left out in their game. It's one thing to know about Conservation of Detail, it's another to see that even assuming House owns EVERY hotel on the current Strip, it's at least one sixth of Inner Vegas, meaning Freeside needs to be at least five times as big as this Strip. This leads me to try and put in mods that reflect that reality. While not perfect, I like the Sierra Madre on the Strip mod, as it adds the appearance of residential units and minor hotels to the Strip and with madre-like vending machines justifies a lot of the Strip's capacity to be self sufficient enough it can disregard both the rest of the Mohave and even Freeside. Also, the green cover in RL Zion National Park only makes an appearance in New Vegas if you port a Fallout 3 green mod to New Vegas, like BA_Wasteland.


As for roleplaying, there are some things: I'm playing multiple characters, one of which is a hero antagonist to my chaotic good Courier: a US (NCR) Marshall, who is the one who goes on Old World Blues. Things she was did there was do a running calculation of all the crimes, war crimes, and crimes against humanity the Big MT staff were guilty of commission. She befriends the Brains at the end solely to later trick them into uploading into cloned bodies so she can arrest them and try them in American (NCR) courts, I have this wonderful Pre-War flag replacer for the NCR flag, which turns them from a successor state into a restorationist one. She also took every pain to make sure not to disturb the the Chinese survivors, with hopes to deactivate the collars and free them when she gets NCR to send a battalion to take control of the Big Empty. Then the survivors can be dealt with by non-lethal means and nursed back to health and ideally, paid reparations by the American (NCR) government as restitution.

One thing that really bothers me though is there is no 'arrest' option. Sure you can knock people out, but they get back up and fight you some more. I'd like a some thing that zapped the NPC, but didn't disable them, so there would be respawn. Maybe modify it with a resurrection mod where you could resurrect a dead PC you killed as long as you didn't cripple their head and thus make it explode, with a Med check and a stimpack.

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some of the things I see in the game that drive me nuts are the apparently still viable food and ammo after 200 years of exposure.

I know modern junk food has a lot of preservatives in it but 200 years seriously ?As for weapons and ammo it seems like we have 1 weapons manufacturer in this area which is gun runners. now why on earth would they produce so many different types of ammunition when it would just increase their overhead needing lines for each ammo type when they could just only produce new guns in the sizes they want to make. why make both .38/357 cal and 9mm.

as too 200 year old ammo well shotgun shell's would of crumbled even in a dry environment in that time. the brass would of corroded making shells jam a lot of the time. the powder would of started to break down making it a lot less viable to evenly burning so your barrels would get caked up fast. and to top it all off you'd be lucky to find 20-30% of the primers even able to fire.

A rifle that has sat in Nevada for 200 years even if inside a cupboard would need a serious clean out before you even thought of firing it because the barrel would be full of dust/cobwebs/wasp nests.


and seriously my number 1 peeve. why oh why do the lever actions use pistol ammo and why does the top revolver fire what is really even now a rare rifle bullet that is basically the size of a shotgun shell. I know 45-70 revolvers exist but the average person would be nuts to try and fire one unless they wanted a broken wrist.

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The reasons are fairly easy to explain, unlike Fallout 3, where none of the logistics make sense:


Civilization did not end in 2077, a lot of the food could be made after 2077 in small batches using pre-war packaging designs which would still be on file in the machines that made the stuff in the first place. A lot of the food, even the processed food can be assumed to be relaitely fresh, either by nano-assembler venders like the Sierra Madre Machines, and possibly the Nuka-Cola machines or imported from NCR or made in small local shops.


As for the Gun Runners, they really don't make NEW guns. What it looks like they do is for the most part create new guns using 3D printing technology based on a set of standard, pre-war designs. The Machinist's days would be mostly spent around assembling high quality printed parts and recahmbering guns. A lot of the lever action guns would be prime targets to be rechambered: cheap, to what the plentiful ammo would be, and most people who aren't killing machines like any player character ever, won't really have the skill to make use of a rifle's long range, simply needing a plentiful cartridge for medium range driving off raiders.


Are 45-70 revolvers dumb? Yes, but raiders like bling. This isn't a Fallout thing, it's a universal thing. Rangers are probably trained and may have cybernetic modifications to help them aim the thing, as would a certain set of Vault Dwellers. Frankly I wouldn't mind selling a Hunting Revolver to a bandit as all, for every reason you see in the hand cannon fight at the beginning of Pulp Fiction. But the Brush Rifle? Take one good look at the Supermutants, the car sized Radscorpions and Yoa Gui and tell me it's for the paranoid. Hell, if you didn't know any better, you'd want it for the giant ants too.

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