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Issue with dialogue fragments


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Alright. So I have a system set up for a conversation - several conditional properties on a conditional script for my quest, and in the begin and end fragments of the quests dialogue some of those properties will be added to or decreased. Then, different dialogue is chosen based on GetVMQuestVariable. But only the default dialogue that doesn't use the property - in case something goes wrong, I don't want there to just be ... - ever is said. I've isolated the issue to the properties not being set, since after the fragment where it was supposed to set it I had a Debug.Notification print out the property's value - still 0.


This is what the fragment looks like (there are many others like it, but they all look pretty much like this):

IQ01Vars.IQ01Morality += 1

And the actual script fragment, when you open it up, looks like this:



;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname IQ_TIF__02001842 Extends TopicInfo Hidden

Function Fragment_1(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
IQ01Vars.IQ01Morality += 1

;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

IQ01VarsFunctions Property IQ01Vars Auto



IQ01Vars refers to the script containing the properties, which looks like this:



Scriptname IQ01VarsFunctions extends Quest Conditional
{Holds the VM Quest Vars and functions for IQ01.}

Int Property IQ01Morality Auto Conditional  
{Based on how the player reacted during the conversation, how moral are they?}

Int Property IQ01JoricDeathStage  Auto Conditional 
{At what stage was Joric killed?}

Int Property IQ01AydronDeathStage  Auto Conditional  
{At what stage did Aydron die?}

Int Property IQ01JoricSpokenTo  Auto Conditional  
{Have you spoken to Joric yet?}

Int Property IQ01AydronCondescend  Auto Conditional  
{Have you been spoken to condescendingly by Aydron?}

Int Property IQ01AydronMet Auto Conditional
{Have you met Aydron before?}

Float Property PlayerWeight Auto Conditional
{The players weight}

ActorBase Property PlayerBase Auto

Event OnInit()

	If IQControlQuestScript.SKSEInstallCheck(); this is a global function

		;SKSE Installed
		PlayerWeight = PlayerBase.GetWeight()




The issue is that none of the VMQuestVariables are working. None of them are being set (actually the playerweight one works). Does anybody know why?


EDIT: Okay, I tried this instead:

Int Morality = IQ01Vars.IQ01Morality
Morality += 1

And then used a debug.messagebox to check the values of both. It looks like adding to morality makes it = 1, if it was at 0, but iq01vars.iq01morality stays at 0.

Edited by Matthiaswagg
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