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Copied Files Get Deleted


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So, I know this isn't explicitly gaming related, but I could use some help. I got aused Galaxy Tab (the original kind - not sure it matters). I keep trying to copy music over to it, but it never stays. It's not that it doesn't show up or it's in the wrong folder, I have other music in there. It just gets copied to the right folder, then is deleted when i disconnect the device. I assumed it was because I was ejecting it wrong or something along the lines, so i tried that. It didn't help. What makes it worse, is I copied over one album froma band I had been trying to copy over, and it stayed. Later, when i tried to copy over the others, never overwriting the previous one, not only did they not stay copied over, but the other one got removed as well. They were all simply erased from the folder. It's happened every time I try to copy them over. It also keeps saying some file types are unreadable, even though they are mp3 and it can read the rest of the album. I tried recopying the album, and it happened again, but with different songs being readable and not. I find this all very strange and I have no idea what I can do about this. The file types I'm copying are all Mp3.

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