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Hey guys i just got to pineheaven and got to the cellar door place where your quest marker brings you, i can't open the door its says open/close door i click on it but nothing happens and i need to go in there to complete the quest... How can i fix this? i really like this mod and wish to finish it :sad: (nvm just got told that its only the first installment)

Edited by MojaveSniper
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I'm not familliar with that part of the mod, but if the door is unlocked, you could try opening the console with ` (lowercase of tilda ~) and type 'tcl'. Walk through the door and type 'tcl' again. [This is only to cover all bases, it's very possible this door is meant to teleport you if your quest marker leads to it.] You should be on the other side. Another possible solution is to close and reopen your game, as this bug might be fixed by reloading the save file. Otherwise, is it possible the door you are looking for is above or below you?

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