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Animated Dragon Wings onto Companions?


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I'm sorry if this issue has been addressed, but it's a question I've bounced around several places and haven't had an answer that worked for me yet.


How, as a non modder, can I place Anton's Animated Dragon Wings http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53271/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D53271%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2009794&pUp=1 onto a NPC or companion?


I tried adding the potion to my followers inventory, but I don't know how to make them drink it. I also was able to add the spell to them, but again I don't know how to force them to activate a spell.


Again, sorry if this a n00b question, but I'd really appreciate the help, thanks!

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Quote from the unofficial elder scroll pages about the "addspell" command:


Adding certain permanent abilities this way (e.g., Ancient Knowledge) will merely add their name to the list of active effects, but will not actually give the expected benefits. That requires changing the appropriate Actor Value Indices separately.


If you read though this you should be able to get this going. Would be nice to know if/how it works.

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