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First Person Sitting Bug


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My Oblivion is an endless fountain of bugs and I usually take care of them all, but this doesn't even have any leads around the forum I can use. I'm stumped.
Every time I sit down in first person, some body part ( I'm pretty sure it's my shoulder but god only knows ) is blocking 2/3 of the screen. Not only that, I toggled flying camera while still in first person, and my body is sitting way up in the air above the seat sideways. And while it's hilarious, it's irritating and immersion breaking to say the least. I mean sitting isn't priority #1 but I tend to sit a lot. Because even in videogames I'm lazy.

Because all of my bugs are load-order related, I'll assume that's probably the issue here. I have somewhere around 200 mods and I run LOOT often, but I'm terrified to do so for the past few months because it screws up my load order and corrupts all of my saves somehow. More on that issue over here - http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1924039-none-of-the-master-files-used-in-this-save-game-are-loaded/

I also tried to delete my ini and rebuild it but that didn't work.

Please tell me I don't need Wyre Bash for this. I've been dodging the bullet with that program for eons and so far have gotten away with it. I cannot understand one thing about that program even with the tutorials with the monkey :dry:

Help is appreciated :blush:


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