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Larger Mohave Wasteland


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Greetings everyone. First post out here and as English not my primary language, I apologise possible spelling or grammatic errors.


Anyway, lately I have been spending lots of time hunting interesting mods to enchant gaming experience... and more you get, more you want and thus here I'm, head filled ideas without skill or knowledge to make them happen.


There are plenty of mods to increase immersion of game but one thing that really bothers me are distances - Mojave Wasteland feels so... small. Time adjusting mod that allows different time scale for indoors and outdoors helps with elements like thirst and hunger but close proximity of everything makes whole area really densily populated in awkward way. People seems to be everywhere but rarely truly glustered.


I really liked feeling of distances of Fallout 1 and especially Fallout 2 where distances were long and encounters within wilderness relative rare while populated areas were indeed populated in contrast. I understand that making huge empty wasteland to be experienced in 1st or 3rd person would had been rather... repulsing for many players and most likely would had made console version of game impossible.


So... assuming outdoors can be split in cells of themselves or something, having similar barriers as Goodspring has before truly finishing character creation, whole outdoor could be cut in pieces, thus preserving everything existing currently in game and then...


A) Add Mount & Blade like world map (personal favourite when it comes to long distance traveling due interacting nature) or Fallout 1 & 2 like versions. Both options would improve sense of distance without much trouble with pathfinding/obstacle avoiding with NPCs like caravans and patrols if thinking straight.


Because no random terrain generation even exist as far as I'm aware in whole game, few static locations per terrain type could still do the job. Should this model get popularity, amount of variation would probably expand as people would make their own variations of 'random' locations.


Too bad this option might be impossible to be done as existing game doesn't have anything to support this form of approach if I have understood correctly.


B) Fill 'gaps' with lots of empty outdoor land. This would negate need of actual cells for existing locations but would reguire serious amounts of work. Even if most mountain areas would be actually impassable or merely path with cliffs both sides and deserts expantable huge areas of flat surface, simply having edges of existing locations smoothly attached to new ones with fitting (rail)road net-works alone would require lots of work.


This variation would also requires re-pathing of npcs using when moving across the Mojave, expanding required work even futher.


Either way, work would need serious interest, skill and time to be carried out and I'm happily surprised if anyone actually have motivation to push this idea forward. However, should mod with either variant exist, additional locations should be far easier to place to game in reasonable sounding or looking locations without making making wasteland feel even more growed as it is already is.


Thank you for reading.

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I've seen variations on this idea before, but I can't find any of the old topics.


Unfortunately, there's practically no way to make this work. You can't 'split' up a worldspace, you would need to manually move literally everything in the game to make room for these new locations. Locations that would have to be made by hand since there's no random terrain generation in the game. Everything would need to navmeshed. LOD meshes would have to be regenerated for the whole wasteland, a feat that I remember reading somewhere that no-one has been able to accomplish.

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