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Scripted death of Essential NPC


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One last question and I'm finished with this part of my project. I've managed to make the actor vomit and die, now I need him to be reanimated and hostile. I want the same effect as when a necromancer raises a corpse, just with no necromancer. How would I make this happen?

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I would look at the spell Reanimate. You might be able to make a magic effect of reanimate that is a on-self casting type and just keep all the default animations and make the dead actor cast it on itself. If not, you could place a hostile invisible npc at the actor and have that invisible NPC reanimate the dead actor.


Were you able to get the actor to play the bleed out animation? I am trying to get an actor to play that animation through a script without using the sendAnimationEvent method (the wiki says that can mess an actor up permanently).

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I was able to make the actor play the bleed out animation. I used the akSpeaker.Kill() in a scene for the actor. He's essential, so he went into the bleed out state instead. A few seconds later I used the akSpeaker.KillEssential() to finish him off.

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Why can't you do that for yours?

Just make the actor base essential and utility.wait(0.1) actor.kill() utility.wait(0.1) actorbase.makeessential(false)


Jury rig the sh*t out of the ck and papryus yo! Only way to get things to work :tongue:


Haha sounds like an awesome plan, thanks, I'll try that one out, it sounds a lot easier than forcing idles!


Edit: in case anyone else read this for their own stuff, making them essential killing them and then making them not essential does not work very well for forcing the animation on an actor that you do not plan to kill. They leave the animation as soon as they are not essential and they get refreshed to full stats.

Edited by FireFlickerFlak
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