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Skyrim not generating chunks


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To keep things short, skyrim's landscape is looking poor atm and i cannot seem to figure out why. I have had the same computer since I bought the game and skyrim used to run with no problems, and I've only been upgrading my computer since then (new graphics driver, more ram, general clean up) so I don't believe it to be my computer. But massive chunks simply aren't loading, I have to get right up next to whiterun before I can see even the outer gate. Even then the castle itself won't load. It's obviously very immersion breaking. Additionally, distant mountains have a yellow color to them (see screen shots) and have very little/poor texture quality. Any help is appreciated thanks! (ive tried tinkering with the distance settings in the skyrim menu, nothing there gets the landscape to load properly)

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If you've upgraded your GPU, have you made sure that ENB recognized it? Otherwise you'll run into texture loading problems, such as you described.

I can't say that your pictures are particularily helpful, they're too small to see anything. Still, it's better than the usual uncompressed 2mb pictures cluttering the forum :D


That aside, every post of yours has a little "Edit" button in the bottim right corner. You can use that instead of making new posts.

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