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[Mod] Conflict : how to solve them (Req for infos)


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For now, asking as to how to solve conflict between mods.

Of course, they are several type of cases :

- graphicals

- scripts

- dialogues

So far, informations as how to handle each type are quite difficult to locate (how come this has not been made a pinned topic here years ago ?).

So, for now, opening the thread (and, sorry as to "thread necromancy", given activity and that that thread was the lone returning as to "conflict"..
As progress are found, I'll see to update it, so it may be a resource later on.

Thanks all for reading (that would be the first step).


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There is one, and only one, type of "mod conflict" with the Dragon Age Eclipse engine. Duplicated file names.


The mod Albert's Sword may contain several different files packed together as an ".erf" (encapsulated resource file). So might the mod Bert's Weapons. If both mod authors happened to name some of the resources exactly the same, then they'll conflict in the sense that only one of those two indentically named files will be used.


When Bert's "greatsword mesh" makes Albert's look wrong/not work at all, that's why.


So when investigating why a mod that used to work suddenly doesn't after installing another, examine the actual contents for duplicate file names. There are a number of tools available to "unpack" .erf files and see.

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