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ALMOST impossible difficulty mod....


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i am getting this on en4cer's gda thingy i can't get past the 4th set of enemies in the human noble origins(lvl 25 arcane warrior and blood mage)


Hmm...I don't know. I tried his but I never had that problem. I will pm him and maybe he as a coherent package now...

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Heh i changed it a tad now its REALLY HARD......i added things from different mods and married them so there is no conflicts .......totally reworked most of the GDA files .


Example : A Revenant will have around 2000 hits points, be level 40 or so,have 95% resistance not only to magic but to any talents so you try to do a two handed sweep or a shield bash and watch him laugh at ya (that is when you party is around level 20) Imagine fighting a super boss like a dragon or an Ogre Alpha, my condolences.

Ogre for example will use ram and grab much more often coz the cooling down period on those is almost non-existent.

Revenant will hit you for about 200 to 400 hitpoints with YOUR armor rating of 60 + (that is just an example, all monsters have been upgraded),great excuse to use the best armor and weapon mods Nexus can offer.

(no god weapons of course thats just crazy)


I included the level 50 mod so you and and creatures can level up that high.

I also included another chaps AI mod so some of its is my doing but some of it is simply a merge of mods.

You average creature will hit you for about 70+ with even the highest armor and defense rating.


Monsters have tons more abilities, attributes and skills.

Their AI is a lot better too (no more hit one and watch the rest of them stand in the distance scratching their heads)


Edit: Forgot to add ,Enemies have a much higher armor and defense rating so dont be surprised that you MISS A LOT. Your party's defense and to attack has been reduced by about 35 %


I STRONGLY suggest you use the CLERIC MOD , for it is only cleric that can buff up your party high enough to survive not to mention that its an awesome mod in itself.

Alternatively you could use some of the cleric like spells available on Nexus for your mage.(mostly buffs)


All creatures resistances have been modified (no more blood wound effecting 90% of monster groups)


Now i made this thing for myself and myself only, i dont plan to upload this nor i want any credits or endorsements but if anyone wants it sure ill paste it .

NO whining either, if it dont work with your mod, not my problem.


I can only give one advise :Remove any "properties,areadscaling,autoscaling,difficulty,material and anything that can effect my gda's"

Things like Nightmare Plus and any balancing mods will not work with this .

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Heh i changed it a tad now its REALLY HARD......i added things from different mods and married them so there is no conflicts .......totally reworked most of the GDA files .


Example : A Revenant will have around 2000 hits points, be level 40 or so,have 95% resistance not only to magic but to any talents so you try to do a two handed sweep or a shield bash and watch him laugh at ya (that is when you party is around level 20)


The same Revenant will hit you for about 200 to 400 hitpoints with YOUR armor rating of 60 + (that is just an example, all monsters have been upgraded),great excuse to use the best armor and weapon mods Nexus can offer.


I included the level 50 mod so you and you and creatures can level up that high.

I also included another chaps AI mod so some of its is my doing but some of it is simply a merge of mods.

You average creature will hit you for about 70+ with even the highest armor and defense rating.


Monsters have tons more abilities, attributes and skills.

Their AI is a lot better too (no more hit one and watch the rest of them stand in the distance scratching their heads)


All creatures resistances have been modified (no more blood wound effecting 90% of monster groups)


Now i made this thing for myself and myself only, i dont plan to upload this nor i want any credits or endorsements but if anyone wants it sure ill paste it .

Now whining either, if it dont work with your mod, not my problem.




I want this. Can you put it into one coherent folder maybe? I so want this if it will work...

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Ok here it is:


Now i also changed some of the two handed weapons properties, and i included faster swing mod (you'll need it)


Im working on archery gda as well to make them shoot more often and hardly ever miss (im not exactly enthusiastic with that one coz with this mod they will hit ya anyway for sorta 70+ damage and they are annoying as hell )


Look it hasnt been 100% Tested coz i havnt got enough time but if you observe something odd let me know without whining :P



Unrar it first (obviously) and paste(merge it if you prefer) it ONTO you override folder overriding everything. (might wanna back up your override folder fist just in case)


Have fun mate :) and let me know how you went


Edit: i also included another chap's mod to have those special kills more often (if you dont like it delete creatureranksGDA)

There is a mod made by Veteran Gamer in there as well where he eliminated all the one hit kill zones.

I have not gotten that far in the game to test it tho, let us know how you went

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Ok here it is:


Now i also changed some of the two handed weapons properties, and i included faster swing mod (you'll need it)


Im working on archery gda as well to make them shoot more often and hardly ever miss (im not exactly enthusiastic with that one coz with this mod they will hit ya anyway for sorta 70+ damage and they are annoying as hell )


Look it hasnt been 100% Tested coz i havnt got enough time but if you observe something odd let me know without whining :P



Unrar it first (obviously) and paste(merge it if you prefer) it ONTO you override folder overriding everything. (might wanna back up your override folder fist just in case)


Have fun mate :) and let me know how you went


Edit: i also included another chap's mod to have those special kills more often (if you dont like it delete creatureranksGDA)

There is a mod made by Veteran Gamer in there as well where he eliminated all the one hit kill zones.

I have not gotten that far in the game to test it tho, let us know how you went


To make the game impossible w/o going through all the crazy modifications, just modify autoscale.gda and difficulty.gda. If you really want something that will tear you up from the beginning, i'll send you 2 files you can drop into your override... and the game will be impossible.. unless of course you're playing the game beyond 'area hard level cap'... which is only lvl 20 at archdemon fight. If you're playing at level 50 or whatever, you'll just have to modify the levelcap of the preset areas to have minimum xx and maximum 50. and then modify creature attribute via autoscale.gda to have 10000+ hp if you want. Then those normal mobs at the start will be level xx minimum with 10000 hp, and can hit for 1000 dmg (dmg is achieved in difficulty.gda i think). I have (for fun) made creatures one shot my players just to test the extreme limits of scaling..

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I do admit that if you know what your doing its not that hard .


However there is another mod Veteran Gamer and myself are working on that will make all enemies use talents and skills from awakenings.


Things like Rain of Arrows, Massacre and so on.


Now that my friend is not an easy feat but if you think otherwise try to do it yourself and let us know how you went :)

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I do admit that if you know what your doing its not that hard .


However there is another mod Veteran Gamer and myself are working on that will make all enemies use talents and skills from awakenings.


Things like Rain of Arrows, Massacre and so on.


Now that my friend is not an easy feat but if you think otherwise try to do it yourself and let us know how you went :)


Wrath of God...always saves the day...Ogroloves mods are too powerful imo.... :whistling:

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Yeah Wraith of god is a life saver coz it freezes enemies whilst it hammers them with meteors.



You will find out soon enough :)



Btw as i said i can tone down those spells a bit ,make them less powerful and more draining on your mages and give them much more cooling down period.



Up to you, let us know

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