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Games I liked but didn't finish:



Baldur's gate 1 and 2

Icewind dale 2

Neverwinter Nights (just couldn't win that final combat at the end)

Might and Magic 2, 4, 5

Fallout 2

Dungeon Master





Games I didn't like and didn't finish:


Various Jrpgs

Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor

Temple of Elemental Evil

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Game i have not finnished

x2, x3,x3tc (takes so long to get anywhere)

freelancer (too repitive)

Farcry (supermutant snipers)

C&C4 (what has ea done, this is not C&C)


Games i have finnished

C&C up to C&C 3KW



system shock

system shock 2

a lot of other games that dont come to mind

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freelancer (too repitive)

Such a great game... Brings lots of memories. I've just searched up in the Nexus for Freelancer... You should finish it. Damn microsoft cancelling freelancer 2. :sad:

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freelancer (too repitive)

Such a great game... Brings lots of memories. I've just searched up in the Nexus for Freelancer... You should finish it. Damn microsoft cancelling freelancer 2. :sad:


hmm, I might later wouldent know any guides :tongue: :whistling:

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I, too, have never finished a Zelda game. *holds up a flame shield to stop the angry pitchforks*


I've never completed the main quest in Oblivion either, and I've never even come close to really exploring Morrowind.


I never completed any but the first Terran campaign in Starcraft (I want to get back into it, but Brood War refuses to install), I never beat Diablo II (or even reached the third Act - that boss at the end of Act II is impossible as a melee assassin who is [ironically, considering the name of the class] great at killing large groups but doesn't have enough HP to stand up to a boss). I never finished Warcraft III either (was too busy playing custom games [but not DOTA *angry face at that little "spin-off"*], haha).


The only Resident Evil game I've ever finished is RE4 (Gamecube version), and I own RE1: Director's Cut, RE2, RE0, and REmake. Of course, I'm not the one who bought the RE games either - my mom is a horror game/movie fan. >.>


I've also never even really played any of the Silent Hill games, but I own some of them (although once again I'm not the only gamer in my house).


I never finished the Marine campaign of Aliens VS Predator 2, and I never finished the Marine or Predator campaign of the first PC game. I never finished ANY of the campaigns in the Primal Hunt expansion. I did have a lot of fun playing all three online though.


I never finished the military campaign of Stronghold, for some reason, even though I really liked the game.


I never finished any of the Mechwarrior games because I lack the uber piloting skills needed...when is a new one coming out, exactly?


And my most egregious one...I never finished Dragon Age: Awakening. I just couldn't get into it.


Edit: Got some more...


I haven't finished Portal 2 yet - the new puzzle designs outside of the testing chambers are more annoying than anything.


I didn't finish Crysis because the little alien place was unplayable due to low frame rates (this was long before I upgraded to a new computer, however - now it refuses to install).


I never completed either KotOR game, but I own the first for both Xbox and PC [i got the PC one as part of a holiday pack]. One of my non-RPG-inclined friends even managed to beat it, but not me :( .


I never finished any of the Half-Life games or built anything particularly awesome in GMod.


I didn't finish the first Oddworld game, but I did complete Exodus - twice.


I've never finished a Command and Conquer/Westwood game's campaign, including the Dune games.


I haven't even opened the plastic wrapping on the new Splinter Cell game yet - got it as a gift over a year ago, and I've heard terrible things about it.


Here's another one that will likely spark flames: I never finished any of the Baldur's Gate games.


Good grief this list is too long.


Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor


Looks like I'm not the only one who fell for at least one cheap knock-off game.


Edit: Just finished Oblivion's main quest. Woot. Now to start a new character...

Edited by rinoaff33
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I REALLY wanted to like FFXIII, mainly because of the jaw-dropping design. But dear lord, why must it have been so boring, so linear! I'm not exaggerating when I say i was forcing myself to get to the next level.


Why should I have to force myself to enjoy a video game?


That said, i got fed up and returned it when I got to chapter12. Near the very end of the game. Hehe...

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