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Request for modding help/tips (scripts)


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Hey guys, I'm creating a new Lucky 38 suite mod (yes, yet another one) but this one is unlike the others. So what I need help on is what I believe to be scripts. If you can help please send me a link to a guide or post a reply.


Changing radio station.

Changing the radio station within the cell via terminal, I know someone can help me because this is quite popular. To further describe what I want to do - I want to change the radio station via a terminal which then makes the speakers around the house change to that station. I understand how to place it in the world but am not sure how to get them to disappear and chance to the selected station via terminal.


Turn lights on and off.

This I KNOW someone can help with because it is in most house mods, I just don't know how to do it and haven't found any helpful "tutorials".


Companions to be dismissed in L38 suite, but able to enter other cells.

I think this is impossible without breaking the companions due to AI changes, but if there is a way I will take some tips.


Adding suite upgrades.

You know - like purchasing a new room to unlock, adding new or removing stuff via terminal.


Weapon displaying.

Just looking to display vanilla weapons via terminal or button.


Thanks in advance,

- "LethalThreat"

Edited by LethalThreat
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Most of what you have here is in other mods. Why not study those mods and figure out how those authors did it?

That's one of the best ways to learn - autodidactically via monkey-see-monkey-do.

Hopefully not monkey doo, though. That's a disappointing place to give up.

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drop an xmarker in your cell, set it to initially disabled and name it, now select the lights, or the upgrades or whatever, hit "-" and set all the enable parents to the xmarker. Things you want to disappear after the upgrade set to opposite of parent (sub option when you click enable parent)

then the script should look like.


Begin OnActivate ; this would be for a light script, for upgrades and what not just add the function to your quest, terminal or whatever it is your using to get upgrades


if getdisabled.MyXmarker == 0 ; check to see if the lights are off.


else ; if the lights are on





With the radio for my house I just set the radios to disable/enable radios with a custom script that presented a menu with available stations. Feel free to take any scripts you need from my CAM- Chems Alcohol and Meds mod, which is the mod with the radio scripts.

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