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Super Mutant Mod Idea


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lol... how about the option to become a super mutant from being a dumbass and not wearing proper breathing protection in Vault 87, causing you to breath in FEV, turning you into a super mutant. Or if you get "killed" by super mutants, they drag and change you into one of them, or even finding a syringe with FEV and changing yourself into one. Leveling you up increases the mutation, from it not being so drastic, to being like... WHOA



Super strong, and healthy, able to basically run and gun throughout the mod with a chaingun, also able to throw mininukes like footballs... lmao



Fugly, around no stealth skill at all, lowered charisma and intelligence, you get the picture.


Similar to the Ghoulification mod, just taking a diff direction. Throwing out the idea

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You forgot Nightkin, those guys were badass.


Stealthy, smarter than any normal mutant, able to use technology proficiently (Stealth Boys), plus they are unbelievably badass.

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Yes, but you could quite easily get someone on-board for the textures and meshes, you just need to find someone who has enough time and is moderately interested.


Also, I don't recommend making it reliant on official DLC's. (Overlord, Broken Steel) Multiple esp's?

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The Brutalizer is a bit skinny for his height. Consider bulking him out to make him look more intimidating.


The idea, however is ambitious. Have you considered contacting people to do new voices/voice filters so they don't sound identical?

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If you are really serious about this mod, you might want to look into building a team. Scripting, modelling, texturing, dialog, voice acting etc... You know the drill.
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