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Breton Archer/Rogue Armor Request (ESO Based)


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Hey I have been looking and I can't find anything about this so I thought I would put in a request. Can someone please make an armor based on the Breton Archer Armor From the Elder Scrolls Online?


The armor is not included in the game and even when splicing multiple armors together the armor can not be made in game. And since ESO is a well, lets just say that everyone I know who has skyrim and played ESO has gone back to skyrim. I think it would be awesome to have this armor in skyrim where armor actually looks good. The armor would have to be made from scratch but it is honestly a well worth it endeavor. It is an amazing armor and it would complete anyone game. I myself use multiple armor and clothing as I roleplay and this would be perfect for when I start the Dark brotherhood and the thieves guild again in my current play through. Someone please make this!!!


Here are a few links that lead to pictures and videos of the armor.



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH9fCA3dmGc <----Cinematic trailer, armor is seen at 2:15.





http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/ <----top right of page

http://skyrimforums.org/sf/threads/the-era-of-evil.42442/ <-----Picture is found when scrolling down a little

https://www.google.com/search?q=breton+hero+armor&biw=1920&bih=965&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6t09VLm9KpKWgwSO7ICABw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg <----General search on google













P.S. @Nexus, if this request is in anyway a breach of rules, I apologize, as that is not my intention and as I right this I have no willing knowledge that this post or the links break any rules. If I am mistaken please take down this post, and I ask to not get in trouble. Thank you for your time.

Edited by imfamousfoofy
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