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Evolving dugeon?


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Thought we miss evolving dungeons, like dungeons that you can "modify" with help of your "skills".
like squeeze through tight cracks or use pre war tech like elevator and such.
example of a layout of a dungeon would look like.
  • Entrances: cave.
  • Level 1: deep cave.
  • Level 2: metro.
  • Level 3: bunker/vault (that contains a "stash" of some sort).
  • Level 4 (optional level): with lots of enemies.

I know that the Deeper mod exist, but I want something more "realistic".


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I never saw Fallout as a "Dungeon Crawler", However, what if the "Evolving Dungeon" was a "Randomized Dungeon"


A dungeon location that could be randomly changed every time you go (like a VR pod).


It could even have a quest, After you clear it the first time, you get a unique reward. Then you get radiant lesser rewards, then every 5 or so times you get another unique item.

Explained by A, the sim has information in its coding on pre-war caches, that are conveniently only unlocked at the end of a raid.

Or B, The sim was made by a glorified group of post war nerds, who hid the supplies as motivation to test their game, C all the rewards are in the same facility, but all doors have different codes, that you get at the end of your sim (explained as a experimental motivator for prewar soldiers).


Add multiple difficulties, The ability to play nonstop from difficulty 1 all the way to max, and you got a raid dungeon that Daemonheim would be proud of.

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I've toyed with the idea of randomized dungeons, but having to nav-mesh makes it impossible. Some randomization of the placement of items and enemies are possible, but the layout of one level will have to always be static, because the AI needs to know where to move.

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I've toyed with the idea of randomized dungeons, but having to nav-mesh makes it impossible. Some randomization of the placement of items and enemies are possible, but the layout of one level will have to always be static, because the AI needs to know where to move.

hmm, sure. one could have like 5-10 room where the enemies exists (and are navmeshed), then lets say another part of the dungeon could be randomized (and not navmeshed),

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Hahah if you die in the game(sim) you die in real life too? :wink:

"The body cannot live without the mind"


I like the idea!


Well my idea was more like you die and you get tossed out of the sim (similar to how you get sent out (or to the start of the dungeon when you die in an MMO)



I've toyed with the idea of randomized dungeons, but having to nav-mesh makes it impossible. Some randomization of the placement of items and enemies are possible, but the layout of one level will have to always be static, because the AI needs to know where to move.

hmm, sure. one could have like 5-10 room where the enemies exists (and are navmeshed), then lets say another part of the dungeon could be randomized (and not navmeshed),


I was thinking about this problem, I figured that 10 -30 different navmeshed sections would be made, and the script would randomly put 4-6 of sections together and make a lvl of the dungeon.

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I've toyed with the idea of randomized dungeons, but having to nav-mesh makes it impossible. Some randomization of the placement of items and enemies are possible, but the layout of one level will have to always be static, because the AI needs to know where to move.


You could disable / enable navmesh like it was made in the bridge of Rivet City. I've read it was some kind of experimental navmesh thing, this could be a good way to try it :P

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hmm, sure. one could have like 5-10 room where the enemies exists (and are navmeshed), then lets say another part of the dungeon could be randomized (and not navmeshed),


It'd be a bit restrictive in the randomness department, but sure, that could work. You'd have a number of 'islands' that are nav-meshed which is where enemy encounters will take place. Of course, neither enemies nor companions would be able to follow you into sections that aren't nav-meshed, so companions should be left at the entrance to avoid any weird behaviour.


You could disable / enable navmesh like it was made in the bridge of Rivet City. I've read it was some kind of experimental navmesh thing, this could be a good way to try it :tongue:

That'd be with the Enable/DisableNavMesh functions. I'm well aware of those and they would probably become useful in the making of something like this. I figure you'd be able to enable/disable the aforementioned 'islands' of nav-meshes, to introduce some degree of randomness as to where enemies will appear.


The real issue, though, is that there's no way (that I know of) to connect these islands. Even if they're placed next to each other, I don't believe the AI is able to jump from one to the other. They have to be part of the same nav-mesh for them to be able to connect and you can't enable/disable parts of a nav-mesh, only whole nav-meshes.

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"It'd be a bit restrictive in the randomness department, but sure, that could work. You'd have a number of 'islands' that are nav-meshed which is where enemy encounters will take place. Of course, neither enemies nor companions would be able to follow you into sections that aren't nav-meshed, so companions should be left at the entrance to avoid any weird behaviour."


That might be true, but all I want is a dungeon that are more alive and where you can intreact with it, Like either you can repair the elevator to get to the next floor, or blow a hole in the wall Or go thru where there are lost of rads'


I want a dungeon that gives me alt ways to "clear it".

Everthing doesnt have to be super "randomized" and advance. just more then "go to a room clear a bunch of enemies then loot.."

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