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Quick question about combining mods with SkyRe.


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I apologize for asking a question that was probably asked a million times, but I can't seem to find the answer, or to be more precise every answer I get on the internet is different than the previous one, so I'm bit confused what to do.

The point is, I want to run SkyRe, but without!!! immersive weapons / armors, and I have SKSE, Uncapper and ReProccer, as well as SkyrimModCombiner, MidianBornBookofSilence, SFO, Frostfall, BookCovers...

But I am confused do I need in that configuration Weapons and Armor Fixes, and do I need that SkyRe Compatibillity and ReProccer patches?

I repeat I do not have any mods that add weapons / armors to the game, except for mods that edit textures and make them look better.

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ReProccer sets the values of any weapons and armors to match the skyre new values... so you need to run it for every mod that adds new weapons or armors. If you dont, you can still play normally but those mod itens will be weaker.

If you dont intent to use any weapon/armor mod you dont need to run the ReProccer. But have in mind that a few misc mods, like quest mods or even frostfall still add a few itens that will be weaker than it should. If you intend to play only with vanilla, you dont need it.

Other than that, the ReProccer may be an annoying thing to do, but its not difficult. If you ever change your mind and want to add a few itens mods, all you need to do is install all your mod normally and at the end just run the ReProccer. There a few really good guides on youtube of how to do it if you want.

Edited by avallanche
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