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Tutorial on obj. to nif.


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It works.

Did you read my advice?


"You can use the exported obj and import it to Nifskope if you use an older version of Nifskope.

The newer Nifskope versions from Version 1.1.0-rc7 on do not longer support the import of obj files as the UV is messed up.
The last Nifskope version that could handle obj import properly was Version 1.1.0-rc6 (from 02/2012 !)"


I did it again, I imported the obj to a Fallout mesh that I had from a download (I don't have the game and cannot test it).

I triangulated the NiTriStrips, imported the bear.obj and the bear was there. All I had to do is copy the BSShaderPPLightingProperty to the blocks where it is missing and adjust the texture paths. The nose and eyes are translated somewhere upwards, simply do Transform - > edit -> and adjust the Z translation to 0. At last rotate the teddy so it is sitting upright.


@ Jokerine: I sent you the FO Teddy in a PM.

Edited by Tamira
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It works.

Did you read my advice?


"You can use the exported obj and import it to Nifskope if you use an older version of Nifskope.

The newer Nifskope versions from Version 1.1.0-rc7 on do not longer support the import of obj files as the UV is messed up.

The last Nifskope version that could handle obj import properly was Version 1.1.0-rc6 (from 02/2012 !)"


I did it again, I imported the obj to a Fallout mesh that I had from a download (I don't have the game and cannot test it).

I triangulated the NiTriStrips, imported the bear.obj and the bear was there. All I had to do is copy the BSShaderPPLightingProperty to the blocks where it is missing and adjust the texture paths. The nose and eyes are translated somewhere upwards, simply do Transform - > edit -> and adjust the Z translation to 0. At last rotate the teddy so it is sitting upright.


@ Jokerine: I sent you the FO Teddy in a PM.

Ah, yes. Sorry. I was looking for that comment but I couldn't find it. I was going to say a note about how it didn't appear to work but someone said something about it working somewhere (vague, I know), but then... I didn't. Not sure why.

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I'd imagine it's very similar to the way a person would do it using 3DS Max. You'd download and install the plug-in, and make sure the export settings look like this. http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/5622-1-1325991396.png


Export your model. Now you'll have a .nif, but it will require some further editing to work in Skyrim.


You need to copy a vanilla BSLightingShader property onto your new .nif using NifSkope. Set the BSNumUVSets to 4097 so normal maps work, then run the .nif through NIFCONVERT which is included in NifUtilsSuite. You'll then have to apply collision onto your mesh. Typically this would be made from a low poly version of your model, but otherwise you would simply copy your .nif and select it as the Collison File in ChunkMerge. ChunkMerge is also included in NifUtilsSuite.


If your modeler wants someone to chat with, he's welcome to PM me with questions. If it's only a few simple statics I could also convert them for you if you'd like.


Actually bar the last bit about the collision generation, all the rest is completely unnecessary. The Maya plugin is by far the most functional of all the plugins for Skyrim import/export. What you mention are 3ds max plugin specific implementation issues.


Collision generation is done by the underlying niflib library, which was updated when Skyfox was building NifUtils Suite but dont think the Maya plugin was updated, though I could be wrong on that side too.

Edited by neomonkeus
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