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How do Boone's & Rex's companion perks work?


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Was thinking I'd like to try creating a perk that works like Rex's Search and Mark, except that you could use the Mod Configuration Menu to manually select which items are highlighted and which aren't. I've been poking around in the GECK and I can't seem to find the source scripts for the effects of those perks. Thoughts?

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Both seem to use a hardcoded effect. They can be replicated, but it'll take some NVSE scripting to do it.


You'll need to construct a loop with GetFirstRef and GetNextRef (follow link to see example) to apply the shader effect to all nearby actors.


The shaders used for Search and Mark is called fxSearchAndMark if you didn't know already. You can apply it to actors with PMS.


And then you need to make sure the script only runs when the player has the perk.

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Oh good. I picked something complicated for a first major foray into scripting.


I did find the shader, yeah. I'll probably make a new one that's a different color.


Thanks for the tips! If I don't end up making any progress, I'll toss this idea up on the requests forum and let someone competent handle it.

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