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Bow of the Betrayer (in progress)


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I'm ammateur mod user currently larning 3ds max. As a guy who just loves computer gaming in general I have quite a few memories revolving around them. As WoW gamer for few years I decided doing http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121120215306/wowwiki/images/7/77/Black_Bow_of_the_Betrayer.jpg because of it's edgy (wich should make creation of it easier) and decent design.




What I want to know is a bit of help from someone who already have done any custom weapons/bows. Since weapons like bades and axes are somewhat static it seems that hardest part is to add i into game, while from what I understand bow needs aniation. How do you make bow animations? Do you need to add bones or such?


So far I have made this (attached photo because attention craving :) ).

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To answer your question: https://www.google.no/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1GIWA_enNO607NO607&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=skyrim+custom+bow+rigging

It's awkward, but not really difficult. It takes some time to get used to reigging, and to work with Nifskope. Youtube and google is your friend here!


Since I am unsure of your skill level, I will retain from saying too much regarding your current model. I will, however say, it's a good start! Keep at it!

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