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Star Trek Elite Force 1 expansion.


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Just in case there's anyone who has 'Star Trek elite Force 1' and is troubled with crash to desktop bugs, as I kept getting when I was on a metal mesh walkway thing and had just started the lift downward.


Get the expansion, imaginitively called 'Expansion pack'. I had no bugs at all after installing it, it adds a little bit of extra content and Jeri Ryan now voices the Seven of Nine character.


I have XP SP3, 4gb Ram, nVidia GT640, X-Fi platinum.


An unusual feature of this game is that you can wander around the ship in quite a few areas and most crew members you see are doing stuff. You can even follow Seven of Nine around at bum level if you are so inclined. She does have quite a nice bum, after all. :laugh:


You can 'collect' some things on your travels through the ship, and as far as I can remember, the more things you find, the more content is unlocked.


Beware of the (for me) ridiculously over-powerful final boss. Other than that, it's a good game.


You can also walk around the ship in Elite Force 2, but the crew doesn't seem to do anything. The final Boss in this game isn't as powerful as in the EF 1, and there are some ammo and health terminals that pop-u thoruhgout ther last fight. What I don't like about this game, and which is reaseon I didn't keep it, is there are several frantic shootouts and if various poeple get killed, the game ends and you have to start that bit again.

Edited by seany65
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