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Feeding Power For Vampires


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I was thinking a mod that adds a feeding power to player vampire characters would be pretty cool. Instead of having to calm characters to feed on them you could just select the power and feed on them whenever you wish. Of course, if you just feed on someone without calming them first they and all witnesses that aren't with you should turn hostile. Further ideas are having the victims resist, based on if they're expecting you to harm them (in combat), but only if they're strong enough to resist. This could be based on how much of your own and the victim's health and/or stamina remains for example. (using the feeding power while invisible should make them unable to resist even in combat.) And if possible it would be awesome to be able to use it on range, i.e. targeting them and then teleporting to them with a nice bats effect and invisibility (<- which would mean they can't resist on range, makes sense, you wouldn't necessarily see that coming, would you?) So yeah, if anyone could do this, I bet there's a ton of people who'd be interested in seeing this happen. :smile:


Edit: Or not. F**k.

Edited by MidnightZ7
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