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[Updated] Nexus Trojan/Virus alert


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So you're denying their are any problems with the google ads now?


Ya, I just made up all these posts about the microsoft essentials maleware to spite nexus... my favorite gaming site.


If it's been cleaned up is one thing, but there definitely was a nasty maleware virus in one of the google ads on the 22nd of October.


Seriously, people don't waste their time on Nexus making false claims about viruses. Logic is your friend.

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That is not what he said. They never denied that people got virus' while on these sites, that would be ridiculous because some of us did including me. He said that the virus/malware came in on the ad feed, not in the ads themselves. The site and the ads are not infected. I too had a nasty virus I got while on a Nexus site. Surfing can be dangerous even on trusted sites. It didn't come from the site, it came piggy-backing the ad feeds. He is talking about the difference between getting a virus that attaches itself in cyberspace to an email and having one sent to you on purpose in an email. Some of the worst virus' that have tried to infect my PC have come from trusted friends where a virus attached itself to their email while it was in transit. It is not their fault, just like it is not the Nexus' fault with these "ad feed piggy-backs". Dark0ne removes ads for many reasons to appease the masses...go around to other sites and see how many owners will remove ads....I bet you could count them on one hand.
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You know, before people had this spyware and whatnot, back in 1989 and the 90's, viruses and trojans were rather amusing and humorous, like the Shoerec Windows Virus and the Train Joke Program.
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