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How to customise an outfit in Nifskope (beginners tutorial)

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Hey Jet, thanks for getting back to me, I'll try those steps out again and see what happens. I appreciate the assist. =) Something else that I was curious about, I was going to take the shoulders off the male leather armor and throw them on something else but they're not loose from the whole set, is there a way to make them transferable? Which means it's probably dealing with Blender I'd imagine, so definitely out of my league.


Re-reading my post reminds me, I remember having difficulty getting NifSkope to auto detect game paths, but I think it's because the meshes I was playing with were still in the BSAs. But, if that's the case, is it going to break anything if I add something to an armor without unpacking it from the BSAs? As in, will everything work correctly like textures and whatnot if I don't unpack it before I start swapping parts even though in NifSkope it shows up w/o textures?


Actually I think that no. 5 of the op. answers that in a roundabout manner. So never mind. =)


Glad to help :)


Yeah, you'll need Blender to separate the shoulders. On the bright side, Tailor Maid has pretty much all the shoulderpads you could need separated and ready to go, including leather armor shoulderpad. :) Also The Pitt - Main.bsa/Meshes/DLCPitt/Armor/Pittraider4 uses leather armor shoulderpad.


Textures from BSA will show up in game but not in Nifskope.

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  • 4 months later...
When I'm scaling and moving a part of the armour, the changes to it don't appear in the game. I tried using T-45d power armor parts on the combat armor, and I scaled and moved all the parts. It looks fine in Nifskope, but in Fallout, it's back where it started. I did the transform/apply thing, but it didn't do anything.
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I have a somewhat similar problem to this. I move around some armor pieces in nifskope and save, but the armor meshes end up inside the character model somehow.
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I have a somewhat similar problem to this. I move around some armor pieces in nifskope and save, but the armor meshes end up inside the character model somehow.


"In the render window of nif2, right click on the part you want to add, Block / Copy branch. Back to nif1, in Block list (window on the left), right click on the 0 NiNode (top line), Block/Paste branch. New part is now added, displayed in a render window, and selected."

You probably right clicked somewhere in the render window when pasting, instead of rightclicking 0 NiNode (top line) in the Block list (list on the left).

Either that, or you didn't apply your changes (transform/apply).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to narrow down the possibility of what could be the problem, I opened an armor in Nifskope and did minor translation and size changes to it. I used transform/apply on all of them, and it works in the render window and the geck. However, whenever it is put on a character (In the Geck or in game) it reverts to default.


Any suggestions?

Edited by matty123456
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No sorry, really don't know what could be the problem.


If the outfit with the same filepath is in one of .bsa's, and you don't have archive invalidation, than the game will use the .nif from .bsa instead of loose files in your meshes folder. So, if that's the case, turning on archive invalidation will do the trick, so your game uses files from data folder rather than ones in .bsa.


Nothing else I can think of, sorry.

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