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WANTED: Help with RaceMenu Overlay scripts - CK being a pest!


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HI all,


I'm having a fight with the Creation Kit at the moment.... I am desperately trying to compile a Racemenu Overlay script for one of my Mods, but no matter what I do I can not get CK to show the RaceMenuLoad.psc script as an option to select when adding scripts to the overlay 'quest' or to sucessfully compile a script. The racemenu scripts ARE in the correct source folder, they ARE the correct scripts. CK even tells me that they exist if I try to create a new script with the same name! but it still wont show the damn thing in the filter. I've even tried copying the script data in notepad++, deleting the original script and then making it as a new script in CK. But then CK wont sucessfully compile the script and throws a page full of errors.


I have followed what instructions there are on the Racemenu mod page on how to install the modders package, and have tried allllll the different versions available. Clean installs, EVERYTHING.....and Nada... I am at the point of punching my screen and giving up on modding skyrim.


I have to be missing something really obvious, I can be rather dumb sometimes. If anyone else has had the same issue let me know if you found a way to fix it ...OR if you have sucessfully compiled body overlays for Racemenu and would like to volunteer to compile the scripts for me: i'll do all the script work and input all the overlay names and file paths so you only need to put it together.


I'm also trying to find out how to add a beast race 'Tail' overlay category into Racemenu, but It seems to involved editing the Nioverride.dll which is waaaay beyond my skills.




Any help would be appreciated.


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Heh, even if I had seen this in time, I wouldn't have been able to help. :) I looked into that NIOverride script a few months ago while helping a friend with another mod and I got very confused very quickly. I'll stick to making things do stuff and you artists can make it all look good.

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