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Baltis Arendus, Daggerfall, Highrock - The Suckling PIg


The bonemold clad Dunmer spoke about the nightmares and the Daedric artifact. The cause wasn't overly interesting to Baltis, however, with how far reaching these effects were, they were bound to do a lot of travel. The whole reason Arendus came to High Rock was to see more of the world and get in a good spot of theft while doing it. This could easily afford both opportunities, plus, it might be fun to actually work with someone for a change. "I accept. I'll gladly take your adventure and your gold," Baltis smiled and his eyes twinkled slightly before growing more serious again, "However, I suggest that we don't divvy out any of the gold until after this is all said and done. It would be the most prudent to use it only for travelling and whole group expenses to start. We can divide once we've finished this."




Ascienne Motierre, Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig


One last adventure, the Breton woman thought with a smile. "I always enjoy a good hunt for an artifact and a romp in some dungeons, count me in. I agree with Baltis on the gold, we should divide it later after using it for travel expenses." She thought for a moment, "In fact, if we find half of what I think we will on this adventure you all can keep my portion of the gold afterwards." She smiled slightly, the gold wasn't that important to her, it was the adventure and the sight seeing, but she wasn't as nearly as wealthy as Baltis so she couldn't afford all the travel expenses, she needed at least that. "As for where to start, I'm new to this Province myself, but I know at least some of the geography and have been looking into these nightmares and atrocities for a while now." She spread a map on the table, "Wayrest is probably our best bet for a starting point. It's fairly central in all of this commotion, and, being a high traffic port city, is likely to be a good source of information." She rolled up the map and stood. "Since we're all going on this journey, we shouldn't delay. The fastest and easiest way to get there is by ship. We should head to the docks and set sail as soon as we can."

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Varys Sul, Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig


Varys smiled, glad that those present had agreed to coming along. He leaned forward and returned the gold back to his bag. "As much as I would like to leave immediately, my Breton friend, I think we should wait and leave in the morning. I doubt any ships are leaving at dusk. Besides, the brawl at the last bar caused more than a few spilled dinners," he said, eyeing the barkeep. "Besides, you said that the food here was better," Varys said, directed toward Baltis.


"I think we should all eat then settle in for the night, then leave at dawn," Varys said, hailing the barkeep. "In the meantime, eat a hearty dinner and try to get some sleep. Food is on me tonight."

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Bhalrog, Daggerfall, High Rock



Bhalrog slowly made his way along the rain slicked streets of Daggerfall, happy to see that the rain had relented a bit. His feet were tired from walking and his armor would require much oil and tending before the rust set in. He looked up at the swirling clouds above and offered a silent prayer of thanks to Mauloch. His journey had been long but uneventful. The gods give us no more than we can endure he thought, adding: And if they do, we must grow stronger. Lowering his head he began to scan the assorted shops and homes for an inn, or at least a place to have a warm meal. He finally spied a small tavern ahead surrounded by several locals and what appeared to be 4 town guardsmen. He hitched his pack further up on his shoulder and made his way to the door of the tavern.


"You! You there! Orc!" a small Breton man was running toward him waving a hand. "You can't go in there!"


Bhalrog turned to the man, sizing him up. The big Orc was fully twice the size of the Breton, but the little man didn't seem concerned about it in the least.


"Am I not pretty enough to go in?" Bhalrog growled in a low tone. He hadn't slept well in weeks and it was having an effect on his disposition, hardly sunny even in the best of times.


The Breton man was finally stopped short, either by Bhalrogs tone or the sight of his face closeup in the slowly dying light of dusk, or both. He stammered "N n nnoo, not that at all! You see, there was a bit of a brawl earlier and things are a mess, overturned chairs... tables... a server was accosted... too much too much!" The man was clearly in an agitated state and his tongue was running far faster than his mind at this point. "So I sent the staff home for the evening. There's much to clean up and repair. I simply can't serve any customers right now!"


Bhalrog thought it over for a moment. He was nothing if not a creature of opportunity. "Need me to find anyone for you?" The Breton man looked puzzled for a second then his face brightened with understanding.


"Oh no no no. A few of the more... prepared patrons handled things already, although they left quite a mess themselves. Their gold should cover damages and those responsible have already been carted off by the guards." The little man seemingly never needed to pause for breath. It was making Bhalrogs head ache. "So you see, Master Orc, I simply cannot help you right now. Perhaps you could try the Pig?"


Bhalrogs brow furrowed. He can't serve me, but I should try the pig? Finally he bent down eye level to the tavern owner and squinted. "The pig? You messing with me?"


The color drained from the poor tavern owners face as he fought to stammer out an answer. "Absolutely not! I- I I... just thought maybe the Suckling Pig a few streets over might still have some food and a bed for the night? Perhaps? If that establishment isn't to your liking I could....." But Bhalrog had already stopped listening to the Bretons seemingly endless fountain of words and looked to the direction his shaking hand had been pointing. The guards had paused and were watching him intently as if waiting for yet more trouble to erupt. He nodded, grumbling a word of thanks and began making his way to the Pig.


Arriving at the heavy wooden door he made his way inside to find a warmly lit dining area. It was cozy. Small, but not cramped. At the moment the room was dominated by several tables that had been pushed together to form one large table. A group of what appeared to be adventurers sat around this huddled in intense conversation. It was a motley group, a few Dunmer, some Bretons, even a Bosmer if his eye was correct. Several wore armor. Not the cheap stuff, either. Elven. Dwemer. The kind you get when you're either born to money or you've spent more than a few days of your life crawling in ancient dungeons and crypts. As he walked to the bar he felt the room get a bit more quiet. Eyes were on him, but he was an Orc. An outcast. Pariah folk they were called. He was used to stares.


"I'm hungry." He told the bartender. "And I want a steak. Bloody. Bottle of Stros M'kai rum." With that he placed a coin pouch on the counter.


"Um," The bartender said "At this late hour I'm afraid the fires are down and the meats are back in the smoke house. Perhaps something else?" Bhalrog sighed. He had truly hoped to get some fresh meat tonight. It had been so long since his last night with a roof over his head. "Loaf of bread, then. And the rum." He emptied out twenty coins on the counter while the bartender fetched his order. Bhalrog grabbed the loaf in one hand and his bottle of rum in the other and found one of the few empty tables in the small room. Sitting with his back against the wall he uncorked the bottle and took a long draw of the strong drink. It wouldn't end the nightmares, but it would at least help him sleep through the night without constantly waking. He opened his rucksack by his feet and produced some of his dried pork jerky. By this time he had eaten a few bites he noticed several of the adventurers at the next table still staring.


"If you want to fight, you just got to wait. I don't like killing folks on an empty stomach." He grunted, taking another long swig of rum.

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Baltis Arendus, Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig


Baltis's plate had been finished some time ago when the Orc came in asking for a meal. He eyed the large Orsimer in his iron armor. A fearsome man indeed, his tusks were particularly interesting with their carved runes. The thief felt a tinge of pity for him when the bartender informed him that the cooking fires had been stamped out for the evening. Baltis counted himself lucky that he had managed to still order his veal. At least the wine still flowed though.


The Orc caught the glances of the group and took them as some sort of challenge apparently. Baltis couldn't help but laugh a little. "No, no my dear Orc, we just can't help but feel for your plight. It's a rough night when an adventurer like one of us makes it to an inn only for the cooking fires to be done for the evening." He flashed a smile, he had to admit, he liked this Orc's boldness.



Ascienne Motierre, Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling


Ascienne smiled after Baltis as well, "Come, join us Orc. We were just discussing our own plans and getting to know one another." The great figure did intimidate her a little. He was so sure of himself and well equipped, he clearly knew his way around the battlefield. She would not want to cross blades with him. She picked and chose her battles to be to her advantage, she couldn't see many scenarios where a fight with him could be to her advantage.



Bites-His-Claw, Iliac Bay - Lady Mora


Bites-His-Claw leaned against the railings of the Lady Mora, looking up into the now clear night. A few whispy clouds still skittered across the stars in some places, but the rains were gone. Daggerfall would be coming into view in a few more hours and they would make make land just before dawn.


And then it's off on another damnable ship to Wayrest, the Argonian thought. It was an arduous errand, his. It was worth it though. That Solitude merchant was paying him handsomely to get his daughter back on the Lady Mora and headed back to Skyrim. Filthy pirates kidnapped her from one of his merchant fleet. Once she was safely aboard a ship headed homeward he would send a letter to her father and continue his adventures around the bay. The agreement was for him to get the other three fourths of the gold when he got back to Solitude. The only way the merchant went along with it all was the promise that if Bites-His-Claw didn't return, he would get to keep the rest of the gold.


The first mate stole up next to Bites-His-Claw and leaned on the railing with him. "Can't sleep again eh?"


"No. Being on the water, and being in it are two very different things for me. I detest these long sea journeys." Bites sighed, "But it is the fastest way to get around here."


The first mate, Erik Sailskin, was a burly Nord, and one of the more open-minded ones that Bites had met. Despite his own size, Erik still stood a few inches shorter than Bites. "Aye, something about this area too. Ever since we got close to High Rock and the Bay I started having nightmares. Tossing and turning in my sleep. I can't hardly get shuteye without getting piss drunk before hand." As if to reaffirm what he said he took a swig of a bottle of rum and offered it to Bites-His-Claw.


"Indeed," the Argonian took a swig of his own before giving it back to its owner, "That's why I'm staying her after we get Ileria aboard. I want to get to the bottom of all of this," Bites flashed a fang-filled smile, "and maybe earn some coin along the way."


The first mate let out a hearty laugh and clapped Bites on his back, "Always looking for the money aren't you, you scaly devil?" Erik had grown quite fond of Bites. They had swapped tales of their lives and upbringings. It was a shame that Erik and Bites couldn't travel together.


"Aye, I must always look to improve my station, and gold is the quickest way to that right now." Bites tensed slightly, "The quickest way to my father."


Erik's smile faded. "Aye. That nasty business." To lighten the mood he asked a question he had had for a long time, "Say, Bites, why do you always wear your armor around the ship? It's dangerous if you happen to fall overboard you know."


Bites smiled again, "Erik, you remember how I told you I was a mage as well? I am a user of alteration magic, especially magic that affects myself and my equipment. It is very easy for me to lighten all of my armor and allow myself to swim as normal. Additionally, being an Argonian, I have no problem breathing under the water. I could walk along the sea floor to land if I needed to. Granted, I would still need food, but air wouldn't be an issue."


"Ah so that's it. I don't think we ever talked about exactly how and why you use all of that..." The two continued to while away the night and the last leg of their journey to Daggerfall.

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Mjaska Red-Feather, Tadrinas, & Chaldier Dorlaine Marczon: Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig



Mjaska Red-Feather and Tadrinas had shared in the newly formed group's banter in as best a spirit as they could manage. Tadrinas had no trouble being jovial and conversational, but Mjaska was more reserved, not speaking much unless spoken to. When the Orc entered the lodge, both let out low whistles. Mjaska had been the tallest of the group, but if the Orc decided to join on, he'd had her beaten by five inches. The iron armor only added to their thoughts that he would be a truly fearsome foe in a fight. Mjaska knew what it was like to do battle against such armor, but Tadrinas had always been able to outrun such heavily outfitted enemies.


Chaldier had been happily chatting with the barkeep while he ate, occasionally stealing looks at the group and overhearing impassioned words. The Orc's arrival left him wondering if some higher being was at work, pulling together a force of hardened adventurers in anticipation of a long, hard struggle ahead. Chaldier's curiosity concerning the bonemold-clad Dunmer had hardly dwindled during this time, and he was now considering asking the elf about his station since things had appeared to somewhat settle down by this point. He wondered if the elf knew Adrynn Indarys, an old friend of his family that had served with the great Lecuaro Marczon over two hundred years ago and his descendant Suetin Marczon only fifteen years ago in the Second Great War.


Eventually deciding the risk of a broken nose was worth the chance that he might someday meet Adrynn, Chaldier got up and moseyed over to Varys. "Hail, Dunmer. I must say, this is the first time I've seen Gah-Julan style bonemold in person." He said as he took a seat at a separate, vacant table.

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Varys Sul, Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig


Varys quietly ate his meal and watched the Orc enter, keeping an eye on him. He was massive. Varys was impressed. It had been few times that he had seen an Orc beat a Nord in both size and height. When the Orc mentioned if they wanted to fight, Varys gave a small smile.


"No thanks, Master Orc. We've already had our fill of brawling tonight," he said, taking a glance at his spear still resting against the wall closeby. He hoped he wouldn't need it.


As everyone finished their meals, a sharp faced Breton commented on Varys's armor while sitting down nearby. "I'm not surprised, Breton. It's an armor unique to Morrowind. Though I'm surprised you know the name of the style, moreso than you do of the the type of armor," Varys said, eyeing the other man. "How do you know that name?"


Katarin Maelle, Daggerfall, High Rock


Katarin picked at her food, wondering whether to finish it or not. She was grateful that the Dunmer in bonemold had bought it for her, but her excitement earlier had turned to doubt. As the Orc arrived, her doubts increased. How would they go about this? How were they going to get there? Finally, as the Breton man sat down close to her, she grumbled and stood up. She made some excuse about needing some air while quickly stepping outside into the cool moist night. She took a long deep breath and tried not to roll her eyes in frustration at herself. She failed.


It's okay Kat. This is what you wanted. This is what you were waiting for! she thought to herself. She loosened her ponytail and let her hair fall free for a moment. A headache had been building all night. She leaned back into the wall and brushed her hair back with her fingers. She took another deep breath, closed her eyes, and let her mind wander for a moment. Finally she shoved the doubts back into a tidy little box inside her mind, opened her eyes, put her hair back into a ponytail, and went back inside.


"So tell me, Mister Orc. Who carved your tusks?" she asked, hoping to get on the friendly side of this massive mer, meanwhile kicking herself mentally for picking out an Orc's tusks as the first thing to comment on. She forced a shy smile and waited patiently.

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Bhalrog- Daggerfall- The Suckling Pig



Despite his initial impression to the contrary, the group at the next table seemed amiable and genuinely curious about him. Perhaps they had limited experience with his kind or, like himself, were enjoying the fine beverages this establishment had to offer. The thin Dunmer and the green eyed Breton woman had gone so far as to offer him a seat at their table. Bhalrog nodded, raising his near empty bottle in a friendly gesture. When the other Dunmer spoke of a barfight, Bhalrog knew these must be the 'prepared patrons' the innkeep had spoken about. It seemed their finery was not just for show after all. Not afraid to get their hands dirty at least he thought to himself. Perhaps my lone traveling days are past.


As he gathered his belongings to move to the larger table, the smallest of the group approached on his blind side and spoke, asking him about his tusks of all things. At first he took her to be an inquisitive child but turning his good eye to her he saw a very petite woman looking up at him. She seemed a bit unnerved, fidgeting a bit as she spoke, but held fast while awaiting a reply. He admired her grit and determination.


Bending lower to give her a better view he replied "This one here I carved myself. It's a tally of people I had to kill for being too nosey."


The womans already large eyes seemed to grow a bit wider at his response but still she didn't move. Able to hold it in no longer Bhalrog stood upright and gave a deep growling laugh. "My kinsman did the work work after a night of too many brawls and too many ales. The runes are prayers for strength and honor. Perhaps in time you can earn some carvings of your own, little one." He gave her a wink. "Come, sit."


With that he turned and made his way to the adventurers table. "So" he said aloud before turning up the bottle and draining the last of it's contents. "Are we running from trouble, or straight into it?"

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Chaldier Dorlaine Marczon: Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig



Chaldier took a deep breath before answering the Dunmer. He had introduced himself as a Marczon many times before, but this was a special case in his mind. If the elf was indeed acquainted with Adrynn, Chaldier wondered what opinion he would have of the bloodline. He assumed that Adrynn must have told tales about his encounters with Marczons, but each listener surely formed his own thoughts of them.


"My name is Chaldier Dorlaine Marczon, descendant of Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon. I've seen depictions of Adrynn Indarys's Gah-Julan bonemold." Chaldier said simply, hoping he would be believed.

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Baltis Arendus, Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig


When the Orc teased Katarin, Baltis chuckled slightly. If nothing else he had a good sense of humor. When Bhalrog asked about trouble, Baltis replied "Straight into it my good mer!" The Dark Elf then proceeded to explain the circumstances under which the party became acquainted and filled him in on their quest. "We head to the docks to take a ship to Wayrest at dawn if our little adventure peaks your interest."


When the Marczon approached, Baltis cocked an eyebrow at the mention of Adrynn Indarys. I figured as much, I bet it was him. I wonder how many of the stories are true.


As the conversations started to wind down and heads grew heavy, Baltis advised everyone to get some rest before morning so they could face the day ahead. He rose and retired to his room.


Ascienne Motierre, Daggerfall, High Rock - The Suckling Pig


Ascienne giggled a little at Katarin's reaction to the great Orc, as well as the large mer's humor. This would be a fun journey together.


As the night wore on, Ascienne lost track of her liquor a bit. At one point she brushed Baltis's arm, which was met with a skeptical and disapproving look. That was a road Baltis would rather the two of them not go down again. She managed to stop drinking more wine and sober up a little, embarrassed by her misstep.


When Baltis bid everyone good night she lingered a bit, staring into her cup of milk before rising herself and retiring.


In the morning she waited for everyone in the large dining area, ready to lead them to the docks.



Bites-His-Claw, Daggerfall, High Rock - Daggerfall Docks


The last bit of the voyage had been uneventful, passing clouds and ships were the only thing close to excitement. Just as the pre-dawn light began to bloom on the horizon, the Lady Mora was being tied down to the docks. Bites bid the first mate fair well and handed the captain a coin purse. The agreement was for them to reprovision before heading to Wayrest themselves where they would pick up the girl and head straight back to Solitude, the extra gold would help speed that process a long a little bit. The less time the captain and his steward had to spend bargain hunting, the more time they could spend getting to Wayrest.


Bites himself made for another ship, The Lucky Lion, the only vessel bound for Wayrest that day. It would be a few hours before the ship departed so after paying the captain his fare, Bites strolled the wharf and piers. A few onlookers stopped and stared at the towering Argonian as he looked down on even the burliest of the Nords at the docks. His fine cloak and sturdy steel armor were also quite conspicuous and the subject of much talk. Few of the natives had ever seen an Argonian, let alone one of his stature and station.

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Varys Sul, Daggerfall, High Rock


Varys nodded quietly at the Marczon's reply. He was genuinely surprised. He had not expected to see a descendant of one of Adrynn's former companions from so long ago ever. Though he was starting to think that perhaps Adrynn's tales of Azura's involvement in his life weren't so far fetched after all.


"I'm not surprised you know the name of Adrynn Indarys then, Ser Marczon. He's a notable figure even in Morrowind, and especially House Redoran. He's done much in the time he's been alive," Varys said, allowing a small smile to cross his lips. "He is enjoying his retirement."


With that, Varys agreed with Baltis on the point to get some rest. He retired to his room and tried to sleep.


He didn't sleep well. The nightmares plagued even him, and eventually, he just lay in bed reciting the mantras of the Reclamations, lulling himself into a trance until dawn broke through his window.


He rose, got dressed, and waited for the others downstairs, eating a simple fair of fresh bread and hard cheese, with a glass of ale. He brooded on his dreams the night before, hoping that he would be able to quickly find the source and put and end to it so everyone would be able to get their well deserved sleep.


Katarin Maelle, Daggerfall, High Rock


Katarin's fear of the huge Orc had lessened considerably when his humor started to appear. She laughed a bit in relief, glad she hadn't upset the giant of a mer. She joined the table and allowed herself to enjoy the night a bit, drinking a small amount of the wine to allow herself to sleep a bit better later.


Finally, as everyone made their way to their rooms, Kat went to hers, still giggling at the prospect of maybe getting her own runes, though not carved into her teeth. The alcohol in her system allowed her to slip into quiet dreams.


She awoke as she heard movement pass her door and rose herself, waiting downstairs with Varys as he ate his meal, taking a few bites out of a few pieces of toasted bread herself.

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