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Combat Request: Robbery


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The mods I've seen so far in this regard don't seem to grock at what I'm specifically aiming for. They're too...'wordy'. You don't get a sense that you're actually robbing people, just popping a dialogue box for it, and that kinda kills the 'mood'.




A mechanic where when you are in sneak mode and crawl up to an NPC, the option to pickpocket appears, but if you're equipped with a dagger and unsheath it, it changes to 'rob'. Upon selecting it, the 'cut throat' animation appears, but stops at the knife being placed at the throat, where a prompt would then show with appropriate dialogue options, such as demanding gold/information/surrender/etc. All would have a stat check for intimidation and failing would have the victim loose themselves and attack you, but success would allow you to grab everything you would've had to role a die for with pickpocket. After you're finished, you'd have the option to kill the victim and the kill animation would complete or release them, upon which a die roll would determine whether they run away or attack you.


For further immersion (and having no clue if it's even possible), I'd recommend adding an intimidation bonus to daggers since that's all the victim will see/feel of you and the ability for items in the victims inventory to have their 'stolen' status removed depending on you're intimidate stat...or have perks devoted to it.

Edited by Narratorway
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I can see a possible solution, but a lot of work would go into that:


1- You'd need to create a separate animation for the position where you have the knife at their throat. It will have to include states for both PC and NPC. In a similar fashion to how killmoves are made.
2- Adding a script a la Sneak tools to become "rob".

3- Implementing dialogue (which is easy).


You'd need someone who can animate, or at least, know how to edit existing animations and use them in the sense i described.

Edited by lennykrapitz
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