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Weatherleah- Quest Mod


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How many of you have been to Weatherleah? Did you ever go inside and see the mass murder of the family inside? I had to explore and find all of the skeletons and burnt husks.

I thought it would be really cool to make a quest mod branching from that house/family. The only problem is that I have no modding experience. So while I attempt to learn, I would like to know what you people would like in the mod. Like, what rewards (I am going to try to make it realistic, not like 2 million gold or something ridiculous like that), how challenging, ect. Ideas are welcome, and I will give the idea-makers credit when I am done. I already kindof have an idea for the story, and I hope to make this a pretty long quest with a background.

Also, it would be awesome to know of some tutorials, videos, ect. that could help with the process. Any contributions to that is really appreciated =).


So, thanks in advance!



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