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I have a DVD version of the game and last night I downloaded the carry weight mod. I ticked it on in the Data files menu but nothing has changed with the weight value. Could anyone explain to me what I have to do? The mod files are in the DATA directory so I don't understand why it would not work.



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Is the carry weight mod under Fallout NV esm? For some reason depending on what an esp is named it will follow alphabetically under the NV launcher. If for some reason it is above the esm I'd suggest renaming it something else until a FO NV mod manager comes out.
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Is the carry weight mod under Fallout NV esm? For some reason depending on what an esp is named it will follow alphabetically under the NV launcher. If for some reason it is above the esm I'd suggest renaming it something else until a FO NV mod manager comes out.


So for a mod to work it has to be positioned above the FNV.esm?


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Actually what you need to do is modify the "date modified" time. Newer data files get loaded later, so they can properly override what they are supposed to mod. There are several tools out there that can do that (google is your friend). Or you could wait until a proper load ordering tool for New Vegas comes out.


And to clarify, mods have to come UNDER the FalloutNV.esm (lower means newer means will get loaded after means will mod properly).

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Actually what you need to do is modify the "date modified" time. Newer data files get loaded later, so they can properly override what they are supposed to mod. There are several tools out there that can do that (google is your friend). Or you could wait until a proper load ordering tool for New Vegas comes out.


And to clarify, mods have to come UNDER the FalloutNV.esm (lower means newer means will get loaded after means will mod properly).

Yes! FalloutNV.esm has to always be at the top or unexpected things can occur.

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