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Fan Made KotOR 3 ; WTFN?


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So, I think it's pretty clear that we won't be getting a KOTOR 3 anytime soon. Given that it has been ten years since its last installment, I personally would be extremely surprised if it ever happens.


That bitter pill out of the way, with a fan base so large and present on the web, why is it not reasonable to think KOTOR 3 could be a fan made project? Before the devil's advocate and his nay saying buddied pick me to pieces; I think with good management, a clear vision, and s##t ton of work, it would be very doable. I'm not just talking, I would put in the work and be willing to take the lead on many aspects of the project. LET'S DO IT!


I welcome any and all constructive feedback. Thanks for looking.


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As a member of the KOTOR community since the game was released I am embarrassed to have you included. You need to learn that free speech does not give you the right to hurt people with words.


However with that being said for anyone else who reads this there is a KOTOR III mod already being worked on for the past two years. The mod is called "Revenge of Revan" (RoR) and if people are interested in the project they can get more information here.

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