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The main point is that any unique record will never have two columns, while any override record will always have three columns. There is no *need* of a third column for a unique item; what would it show? Please right click in the second column where you want, and select "edit" or "add".


ah. i think i understand. if i remember correctly, when i right click, the only options i see are move up/down, hide no conflict & column width. no add or edit. but i'll give it another whirl here in a bit and let you know. it's very likely i cocked something into a hat... lol.


thanks again!



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  • 1 month later...
I tried this for my custom head gear (copied glasses and replaced the meshes with different vanilla meshes and changed the flags from glasses/mask to headband), but it still didn't work. I had to rotate them in Nifskope, but I wonder, if I release this mod, will the position come out okay for others?
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  • 2 months later...

Alright Pshepa, sorry it took me so long to get back to you.


Try this out,


Open it up in FNVEdit, go to the troublesome headgear, go down to where it says "Male biped model", and in the cell to the right of "MODD FaceGen Model Flags" right click in the empty box and click "Add", click yes when the warning comes up, then right click on the cell again and select "Edit" and you'll get a window pop up that says "Edit Value" with a bunch of zeros, type the number "1" and hit ok, now save. This should fix the problem. Also, remember to check and see if you have a "MODD FaceGen Model Flags" under a section called "Female biped model" and do the same thing. If you don't have a "MODD FaceGen Model Flags" under "Female biped model" then do nothing.

I did this, step for step a few minutes ago and it caused the mod to become a CTD monster. Had to reopen in FNVEdit and delete the change, but am still stuck with a sideways helmet. I see people talking about how they simply rotated theirs in Nifskope. I have it, but barely know how to use it, other than adding a texture to an existing mesh. Anyone have links to a good step-by-step process in how to rotate headgear in Nifskope? Would help a ton.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

How odd, I tried applying this fix in FNVedit 3.0.21 and when I tried exiting the program to save the changes I got this error:


[00:00] Saving: ArmorBerets.esp.save.2011_11_17_15_24_45

[00:00] Error saving ArmorBerets.esp.save.2011_11_17_15_24_45: Access violation at address 00566C0F in module 'FNVEdit.exe'. Write of address 00B5072B

[00:00] Errors have occured. At least one file was not saved.


What does this mean and how do I fix it?

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  • 2 months later...

I took your advice and opened it up in FNVEdit, and sure enough, when opening up the tree and viewing a headgear, the MODD FaceGen Model Flag was blanked out in my mod. I simply selected the one from the FalloutNV.esm and drug it to the appropriot slot in my mod, saved, and then tested it out in game and the headgear that I messed with is now showing up correctly.


So, word of advice to everyone, unless you want to have to go through all this, DO NOT toggle the Update FaceGen Model Availiablity in the GECK until a patch is released to fix this problem, it does in fact blank every headgear's FaceGen Flag out!

Thanks this was very helpful!!!!! I have been about pulling my hair out all morning trying to figure out why my new face armors where showing up at a 90 degree angle. I appreciate you sharing your experience! Without it I would probably be smashing things by now LOL

Edited by rogueguitar
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  • 4 months later...

How odd, I tried applying this fix in FNVedit 3.0.21 and when I tried exiting the program to save the changes I got this error:


[00:00] Saving: ArmorBerets.esp.save.2011_11_17_15_24_45

[00:00] Error saving ArmorBerets.esp.save.2011_11_17_15_24_45: Access violation at address 00566C0F in module 'FNVEdit.exe'. Write of address 00B5072B

[00:00] Errors have occured. At least one file was not saved.


What does this mean and how do I fix it?


Yeah I got the same message when I have edited anything using FNVEdit, Try running it in administrator mode, that is the only thing that worked for me.

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  • 2 months later...

This worked wonder for me, YMMV however, so make a BACKUP before trying this!


Sideways hat/glasses/helmet problem. Open FNV Edit. Go to your mod. Find the items that you added in your mod and insert the "Male Facegen Model Flags" for "Head" as mentioned at the start of this thread.


Now go back to your left column where it is listing the dozens upon dozens of other conflicts. Use shift+left clicks to select the whole block at once. Now right click to get the menu and select REMOVE. That's right, just remove the whole list (expect for the new things that you added from your own mod). Slay the offending entries with a sense of satisfaction.


Now everything that isn't your mod default back to vanilla. The things that are in your mod you just fixed manually.


I admit that I originally tried this out of sheer frustration & anger and was quite surprised when I loaded my game afterward and found that it had actually fixed everything. Before you try this yourself, however, allow me to repeat: Make a BACKUP before trying this!

Edited by NephilimNexus
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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright Pshepa, sorry it took me so long to get back to you.


Try this out,


Open it up in FNVEdit, go to the troublesome headgear, go down to where it says "Male biped model", and in the cell to the right of "MODD FaceGen Model Flags" right click in the empty box and click "Add", click yes when the warning comes up, then right click on the cell again and select "Edit" and you'll get a window pop up that says "Edit Value" with a bunch of zeros, type the number "1" and hit ok, now save. This should fix the problem. Also, remember to check and see if you have a "MODD FaceGen Model Flags" under a section called "Female biped model" and do the same thing. If you don't have a "MODD FaceGen Model Flags" under "Female biped model" then do nothing.


Thanks for that little info. I had the "hat in my shoulder" bug but this helped me to fix it.



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