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transparent walls in some building with ENB

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In some buildings such as house resort(the ncr place)i get transparent walls. behind i only see grey(the space within the interior is built). i know it has something to do with enb and AA.
but i do not have AA enabled or anything which would cause this. do i have to reinstall a texture pack or is something else? any help would be appreciated

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I know it sounds counterproductive but what fixed it for me (in fallout 3) was changing the





In the [FIX] section of enbseries.ini and enblocal.ini (I'm not sure which takes precedence and since the section is in both files I always change both).


Give it a try.

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I know it sounds counterproductive but what fixed it for me (in fallout 3) was changing the





In the [FIX] section of enbseries.ini and enblocal.ini (I'm not sure which takes precedence and since the section is in both files I always change both).


Give it a try.



That did the trick !

Thanks loads my friend.

i guess my weapons are not transparent anyway so i do not need the fix.

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