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Quick Script Advice


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Hi all, I have a very easy question (which I should know the ruddy answer to by now) for you guys:


I'm trying to make an indigestible with a script on it which will add that item back to the player once he uses it. I have the script all sorted, but I'm not sure which Begin command to use, can anyone help me with this problem? I've tried OnEquip, OnActivate even ScriptEffectStart, nothing works, If I can't get this sorted I'll have to use a Gamemode, and I hate using them!



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Like I said, I've tried those, nothing, I use the item, and it does not return.


Maybe I need a better script, what I have now basically is this:


If Player.GetItemCount 000Canteen == 0
Player.Additem 000Canteen 1 1


I mean I've used scripts like that before in FO3, but this is my first time on NV, but it should be the same, should it not?


BTW, yes I am making a simpler Canteen mod, for those of us without the classic pack.

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ScriptEffectStart should work. Do you have it set to be an effect script and not an object script?


You'll probably have better luck posting the script itself here (in

 tags) so we can look at it, unless you have some kind of reservations about doing so.
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They didn't work either, not even making a new Base Effect, Actor Effect then adding it to the Item. Now I've just tried expanding it with a gamemode command, like below, still nothing happpens!


Ref Canteen

Begin OnAdd
Set Canteen to 1

Begin Gamemode
If Canteen == 1
If Player.GetItemCount 000Canteen == 0
	Player.Additem 000Canteen 1 1

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Hard to diagnose without being able to see it; there's a lot of settings that can be screwed up with base and actor effects.


Best advice I can give would be to try looking at the NCR Two-Way Radio and its relevant scripts and effects, since the way it works is similar to what you seem to be going for.


Wish I could be of more help.

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